A Week of Symfony #748 (26 April – 2 May 2021)

This week, Symfony 4.4.22 and 5.2.7 maintenance versions were published. In addition the second beta of Symfony 5.3 was released and we started publishing the New in Symfony 5.3 blog posts to showcase its most important new features.

Symfony development highlights

4.4 changelog:

a88c7fa: [HttpFoundation] fixes for PHP 8.1 deprecations
061ac77: [Yaml] expose references detected in inline notation structures
c92acf4: [Security] add missing French translations for logging throttling

5.2 changelog:

56b664e: [Security] do not try to rehash null-passwords

5.x changelog:

88abb39: [Config] remove typehints in Builder and allow for EnvConfigurator
5506f2a: [Config] remove double semicolons from autogenerated config classes
c78358f: [Translation] use proven DSN class from Notifier and rename package
01602ef: [Config] set FQCN as properties type instead of class name in ConfigBuilder
32534fb: [Messenger] fix manual amqp setup when autosetup disabled
1882d26: [FrameworkBundle] make debug:event-dispatcher search case insensitive
0489ffc: [OptionsResolver] add prototype definition support for nested options
610c263: [Config] remove log message when no configuration is found in ConfigBuilder
4cc0ab3: [Routing] allow extending Route attribute
942847f: [FrameworkBundle, HttpKernel] move IDE file link formats from FrameworkExtension to FileLinkFormatter

Newest issues and pull requests

Add support for $requestStack->getCurrentRequest(throwOnNull: true)
[Messenger] Prevent a specific message to be sent to the failure transport
[Security] Add a way to hook into PersistentRememberMeHandler
[HttpFoundation] Deprecate Request::get

They talked about us

Improve your Symfony proficiency with these tips and tricks!
Combine custom logging from Symfony packages
Handling arbitrary set of document types in a Symfony application
Vue.js and Symfony — User Authentication

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