A Week of Symfony #770 (27 September – 3 October 2021)

This week, Symfony 4.4.32 and 5.3.9 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, we continued polishing the upcoming Symfony 5.4 and 6.0 versions with some bug fixes and new features such as the option to configure log level and status code per exception class.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 44 pull requests were merged (42 in code and 2 in docs) and 54 issues were closed (49 in code and 5 in docs). Excluding merges, 23 authors made 5,796 additions and 3,251 deletions. See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

0eac61e: [Serializer] fix denormalizing XML array with empty body
7b9fc09: [HttpClient] accept headers when CURLE_RECV_ERROR is received before the content
eab8591: update Danish translations
1d4042d: update Armenian translations
262898b: updae Swedish translations

5.3 changelog:

de2ff10: [Workflow] add missing audit-trail settings in XSD schema
4b3d3e0: [Security] remove annoying deprecation in UsageTrackingTokenStorage
d121089: [PhpUnitBridge] do not override correct triggering file for return type deprecations

5.4 changelog:

d1fd413: [Messenger] allow using user’s serializer for message do not fit the expected JSON structure
998b1ef: [Runtime] possibility to define the env and/or debug key
2468019: [Serializer] fix collecting type errors during denormalization with promoted properties
8653b33: [Messenger] move container resetting after receiver acknowledging
f56b471: [Runtime] tweak config for env var names
c6a0be2: [Finder] add recursive .gitignore files support
498284e: [Mailer] improve error message when STARTTLS fails
6e4bbd3: [Security] add alias for FirewallMapInterface to security.firewall.map
7244d83: fix framework configuration when messenger uses without console
1aa057b: add return types to HttpCache createSurrogate and createStore methods
e026dc5: [HttpKernel] add support for configuring log level and status code by exception class
d121089: [PhpUnitBridge] do not override correct triggering file for return type deprecations
78dea90: [Dotenv] reimplement symfony/flex dump-env as a Symfony command
ea5b632: [FrameworkBundle] minor improvement in Routing to not merge arrays inside loops

6.0 changelog:

472409e: use #[AsCommand] to describe commands

Symfony CLI

Symfony CLI is a must-have tool when developing
Symfony applications on your local machine. It includes the
Symfony Local Server,
the best way to run local Symfony applications. This week Symfony CLI released
its new 4.26.4,
and 4.26.6
versions with the following changes:

Fix SMTP env vars on SymfonyCloud clusters
Disable peer verification in $MAILER_DSN
Fix running symfony binary on SymfonyCloud clusters

Newest issues and pull requests

[Notifier] Customise browser Flash Message level with importance
Ability to start & stop SMTP connection when needed
[RFC][Messenger] Remove ResetLoggersWorkerSubscriber
[HttpFoundation] Deprecate session.upload_progress.* and url_rewriter.tags as valid configuration options

They talked about us

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OpenAPI Generator – use Symfony Bundle in your Project
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Symfony Station Communique — 1 October 2021 — A look at Symfony and PHP News
How to enable CloudWatch logging with Symfony on AWS
Déployer une application Symfony sur Koyeb — Vous avez dit base de données ?

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