A Week of Symfony #790 (14-20 February 2022)

This week, Symfony introduced the Twig 3 certification and updated the official Symfony book to showcase Symfony 5.4 and 6.0 versions. In addition, SymfonyLive Paris 2022 conference announced more speakers and more workshops.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 34 pull requests were merged (22 in code and 12 in docs) and 30 issues were closed (25 in code and 5 in docs). Excluding merges, 22 authors made 834 additions and 1,066 deletions. See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

8056126: [DependencyInjection] fix type binding
df1cc52: [HttpKernel] fix extracting controller name from closures
25ec51d: [Intl] fix wrong offset timezone PHP 8.1
3e9a6e3: [FrameworkBundle] KernelTestCase resets internal state on tearDown
43820b7: [Serializer] make document type nodes ignorable
57a078b: [HttpKernel] remove unused argument in ArgumentMetadataFactory
a3bceff: [HttpKernel] reset services between requests performed by KernelBrowser

5.4 changelog:

20111d2: [Runtime] fix dotenv_overload with commands
579ed91: [Security/Http] fix getting password-upgrader when user-loader is a closure
df1cc52: [HttpKernel] fix extracting controller name from closures
2131224: [Dotenv] fix reading config for symfony/runtime when running dump command

6.1 changelog:

65b7fa1: [DependencyInjection] add an env function to DI expression language
0294c11: [Messenger] support setting connection_name for AMQP
2d723e1: [DependencyInjection, EventDispatcher] avoid instantiating not called listeners when tracing
6d6b323: [HttpKernel] deprecate StreamedResponseListener because it serves no purpose anymore
41fe721: [Notifier] make Message classes extensible
e80e3d5: [Mime] add getter for TextPart name
01ea9a3: use PHP match expressions where possible

Newest issues and pull requests

[String] UTF-16 string support
[FrameworkBundle] Route specific kernel events
[Notifier/SmsMessage] Add setFrom method
[Translation] Provide TranslatorInterface implementation to facilitate testing?

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) EasyAdmin course, Chapter 13: Auto-complete Association Field & Controlling the Query
(Video) EasyAdmin course, Chapter 14: AssociationField for a „Many“ Collection
(Video) EasyAdmin course, Chapter 15: The Field Configurator System
(Video) EasyAdmin course, Chapter 16: Field Configurator Logic
(Video) EasyAdmin course, Chapter 17: Overriding Field Templates

They talked about us

Let’s play with the Symfony new security system: OpenId Connect with Keycloak
How to Create Symfony Kernel for Tests with Different Configs
Symfony ElasticSearch
Symfony Station Communiqué – 18 February 2022
New! Sylius 1.11 – a lovable release with catalog promotions
Symfony Examples of API Endpoints to Download Files

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