A Week of Symfony #849 (3-9 April 2023)

This week, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version improved the new Scheduler component to allow rejecting messages, improved the Web Profiler to make views clickable in the toolbar and fixed many small issues. Meanwhile, we announced new Symfony backers for the Symfony 6.3 version and published new information about the hotel and transportation for SymfonyCon 2023.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 49 pull requests were merged (31 in code and 18 in docs) and 26 issues were closed (15 in code and 11 in docs). Excluding merges, 25 authors made 9,686 additions and 8,598 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

596dcc3: [HttpClient] fix canceling MockResponse
ce84991: [DoctrineBridge] fix issue with missing stopwatch events

6.3 changelog:

0133c0e, e70f359: apply operator_linebreak and no_null_property_initialization PHP-CS-Fixer rules
847416f: [WebProfilerBundle] add clickable entry view to debug toolbar
7ce2db5: [Notifier] fix registering many bridges
3040d43: [Mailer] add new attributes to Infobip API transport
faecbba: [FrameworkBundle] reduce aliasing for etc bridges
1bc8c67: [Serializer] make ProblemNormalizer give details about ValidationFailedException and PartialDenormalizationException
aaff87a: [Scheduler] allow messages from the SchedulerTransport to be rejected
1250a93: harmonize command formats and ensure autocompletion is same
2635cf8: list basecom as backer of version 6.3
37692c4: add Les-Tilleuls.coop as the backer of the Console component
18f8c66: add SymfonyCasts as the backer of the Security component
8d02981: add Crowdin as the backer of its integrtion with the Translation component
f38ce19: add alximy as the backer of the FrameworkBundle
b42394b: [DoctrineBridge] deprecate passing doctrine subscribers to ContainerAwareEventManager
544b15e: [DependencyInjection] add more precise types in EnvVarProcessorInterface
fd9151d: [Serializer] mark ObjectNormalizer as final for 7.0
6515bf9: [Validator] throw Symfony/OutOfBounds exception instead of default one in ConstraintViolationList
4610857: [BrowserKit] improve the error message when submitForm() can’t find the form
3067b9b: [Form] add a placeholder_attr option in ChoiceType
db49c88: [Security] deprecate the $secret argument of the PersistentRememberMeHandler constructor

Newest issues and pull requests

[Messenger][Security] Async authentication
[Console] Improve the helpfulness of %remaining% in Progress Bar
[Test] Be able to configure the container between two request in test env
Splitt intl packages in smaller packages
[Routing] Allow using invokable controller’s FQCN (i.e. ::class) to generate URLs (instead of route name)

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 15: JSON Test Assertions & Seeding the Database
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 16: Advanced & Flexible JSON Test Assertions
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 17: Testing Authentication
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 18: Customizing Browser Globally
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 19: Testing Token Authentication
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 20: New PUT Behavior

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 07 April 2023
Take this into account when using doctrine
Create a custom Symfony Normalizer for mapping values
How to Implement Robust Logging in Symfony Using Monolog
A closer look at DoctrineORMQuery::toIterable when processing large results
Symfony 6 : S’authentifier avec Facebook
Symfony, reverse proxies et protection par IP
How to use mock with Symfony’s WebTestCase and PHPUnit
Retour d’expérience : quand Doctrine Collections rencontre de grandes cardinalités
Symfony Webhook & RemoteEvent, or how to simplify external event management
Astuces pour traiter des gros volumes de données dans Symfony
Scheduler, Webhook et RemoteEvent : des composants prometteurs attendus pour Symfony 6.3
Symfony Voters
Symfony: Route bazında IP kısıtlaması
Апгрейд и рефакторинг PHP-проектов — теперь это просто с Rector

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