A Week of Symfony #852 (24-30 April 2023)

This week, Symfony 5.4.23 and 6.2.10 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, we continued polishing the new features of the upcoming Symfony 6.3 release, including the addition of return types to the entire codebase. Finally, we published more information about how to become a Symfony partner to gain visibility among tech experts in conferences.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 44 pull requests were merged (26 in code and 18 in docs) and 32 issues were closed (19 in code and 13 in docs). Excluding merges, 24 authors made 1,833 additions and 1,211 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

176d1de: [Console] fix the first argument of trim() must be of type string

6.3 changelog:

a3988f2: [Scheduler] have TriggerInterface extend Stringable
1a239fd: [Scheduler] make MessageGenerator yield some scheduling context
4b32490: [Scheduler] add the possibility to override the default CallbackTrigger description
73dc02d: add remaining missing return types to safe methods
1f8c592: [Scheduler] add „hashed“ cron expression support
32c5fb0: [Scheduler] add schedule name to MessageContext
8b6edd9: [HttpClient] add PSR-18 to HttplugClient since HTTPlug is deprecated
9e0eb97: [BrowserKit, Cache, Config, Console] add missing return types
5229f16: [DependencyInjection, DomCrawler, ExpressionLanguage, Filesystem, Form] add missing return types
ff98eff: [HttpClient, HttpFoundation, HttpKernel, Ldap, Mailer, Mime, Process, Routing, Security, Serializer, Translation, Validator] add missing return types

Newest issues and pull requests

[HttpClient] Specify sensitive query parameters
PGPEncrypter for Symfony Mailer
[HttpClient] Control logging
[Intl] IntlExtension – monetary_grouping_separator

Symfony CLI

Symfony CLI is a must-have tool when developing
Symfony applications on your local machine. It includes the
Symfony Local Server,
the best way to run local Symfony applications. This week Symfony CLI released
its new 5.5.3
and 5.5.4
versions with the following changes:

Make DB version check before deploy more robust (@tucksaun)
Add more artifacts in CI to ease testing (@fabpot)
code cleanup (@tucksaun)
Rename SERVER_SOFTWARE to symfony-cli (@cedric-anne)
Only show „new version is availble“ once per day (@tucksaun)
Make SERVER_SOFTWARE compliant with RFC3875 (@cedric-anne)
Get rid of SC_DEBUG (@tucksaun)
Extract PostgreSQL, MySQL and MariaDB from Docker images in use (@tucksaun)
Check that the DB version is set before deploying (@fabpot)
Add some tests (@fabpot)

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 29: Custom Normalizer
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 30: Normalizer Decoration & „Normalizer Aware“
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 31: Totally Custom Fields
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 32: Custom Validator

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 28 April 2023
Offline support for Symfony applications
Harness the power of Feature Toggle Flags with Flagception in Symfony projects
Create a custom JMS Serializer handler for mapping values
Simplify Multi-Tenancy in Symfony with the Multi-Tenancy Bundle
Managing User Sessions in Symfony 6: A Beginner’s Guide
How to Integrate AWS Cognito Authentication with Symfony
Оптимизация бэкенда приложения с примерами на Symfony. Часть 2

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