A Week of Symfony #853 (1-7 May 2023)

This week, the first beta of Symfony 6.3 was released so you can test it in your applications before its final release at the end of May 2023. Meanwhile, Symfony UX 2.8 version was published with two new components and massive updates in live components. Finally, we published more information about the workshops of the upcoming SymfonyOnline June 2023 conference.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 47 pull requests were merged (33 in code and 14 in docs) and 57 issues were closed (43 in code and 14 in docs). Excluding merges, 24 authors made 7,144 additions and 857 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

c78f20e: [ErrorHandler] skip Httplug deprecations for HttplugClient
85ce2b6: [Messenger] fix registering message handlers
1d52937: [HttpClient] ensure HttplugClient ignores invalid HTTP headers
9af90a8: [HttpKernel] don’t use eval() to render ESI/SSI
2ca50be: [Serializer] backed enum throw notNormalizableValueException outside construct method
cd158aa: [ErrorHandler] prevent conflicts with WebProfilerBundle JavaScript
f1122a2: [PropertyInfo] fix phpDocExtractor nullable array value type
af784ae: [DependencyInjection] do not check errored definitions type
1b66735: [HttpKernel] fix restoring surrogate content from cache
d038a0e: [HttpClient] fix getting through proxies via CONNECT

6.2 changelog:

f1af316: [HttpKernel] prevent initialising lazy services during services reset

6.3 changelog:

1dafc6c: [Asset, AssetMapper] addd a new AssetMapper component
2757c2f: [AssetMapper] fix import map package parsing with an @ namespace
c9fdaef: [DependencyInjection] improve error message in LazyClosure when no „id“ is provided
c125912: [SecurityBundle] fix registering traceable voters
540aac8: [Mailer] mark suppress bounces as DROPPED
5ea3bed: [HttpKernel] forward _stateless attribute to inline rendered fragments
22a932e: [Mailer, RemoteEvent] enhance webhook reason with Mailgun data
6042c00: [AssetMapper] fixing wrong values being output in command
0d25263: [HttpKernel] fix handling of MapRequest* attributes
70b40fc: [HttpClient] favor php-http/discovery instead of nyholm/psr7
ae771ad: [Serializer] add missing withSaveOptions method to XmlEncoderContextBuilder
4cc4973: [AssetMapper] adding debug:assetmap command + normalize paths
78a26b4: [WebProfilerBundle] respect stateless attribute in profiler
218dfaa: [DoctrineBridge] skip subscriber if listener already defined
abe4f66: [DependencyInjection] allow AutowireCallable without method
aafb106: [OptionsResolver] add ignoreUndefined() method to allow skip not interesting options
a0a7524: [AssetMapper] better public without digest
584c210: [Serializer] add flag to require all properties to be listed in the input
ba94e95: [AssetMapper] fix some bugs related to the compile command and importmaps

Newest issues and pull requests

[Validator] Testing compound constraints
[DependencyInjection] Generics support in autowiring
[AssetMapper] Add a Filesystem abstraction
Allow multiple AsDecorator attributes on a decorating class

Symfony CLI

Symfony CLI is a must-have tool when developing
Symfony applications on your local machine. It includes the
Symfony Local Server,
the best way to run local Symfony applications. This week Symfony CLI released
its new 5.5.5
version with the following changes:

Relax DB check (@fabpot)

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 33: Validating how Values Change
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 34: Auto Setting the „owner“
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 35: Query Extension: Auto-Filter a Collection
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 36: 404 On Unpublished Items
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 37: Filtering Relation Collection

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 5 May 2023
Reading bundle configuration inside Symfony Compiler Passes
Symfony UUID, Doctrine and type-hinting: everything you should know
Symfony/Doctrine migrations for multiple databases
Оптимизация бэкенда приложения с примерами на Symfony. Часть 2
Новое в Symfony 6.3 — Улучшения производительности
Новое в Symfony 6.3 — Сопоставитель параметров запроса
Новое в Symfony 6.3 — Улучшения login и logout
Новое в Symfony 6.3 — Улучшения Перечислений

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