A Week of Symfony #857 (29 May – 4 June 2023)
This week, Symfony 6.3.0 was published, including tens of new features that improve your development experience and make your projects more powerful. In addition, we published the full schedule of SymfonyOnline June 2023 conference, which will include several talks about some of these new Symfony 6.3 features.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 48 pull requests were merged (38 in code and 10 in docs) and 20 issues were closed (16 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 23 authors made 10,580 additions and 8,934 deletions. See details for code and docs.
cc6c007: [DependencyInjection] escape % from parameter-like default values
33357e6: [Filesystem] follow symlinks when dumping files
5f213ed: [Serializer] fix discriminator map not working with AbstractNormalizer::OBJECT_TO_POPULATE
221c9bb: [Filesystem] fix broken symlink tests Windows PHP 7.4+
fb32b92: [Cache] fix DBAL deprecations
091ac2b: [DependencyInjection] fix casting scalar env vars from null
79c4bfb: [PhpUnitBridge] fix support for the NO_COLOR env var
6c9f21b: [Validator] remove internal from methods on non-internal interfaces
b4128fd: fix Doctrine deprecations
4f2b5e1: [FrameworkBundle] hide definitions bearing the container.excluded tag
cc6c007: [DependencyInjection] escape % from parameter-like default values
e901262: [Serializer] fix discriminator map not working with AbstractNormalizer::OBJECT_TO_POPULATE
a88e5f8: [Mailer] fix undefined array key in MailPace errors response
2af8f39: [HttpKernel] fix default value ignored with pinned resolvers
5bab536: [AssetMapper] fix unable to use asset mapper with CSP
5c46e7e: [SecurityBundle] fix configuring OIDC user info token handler client
f2df30b: [Notifier] fix ContactEveryoneOptions
c96a390: [FrameworkBundle, PhpUnitBridge] configure doctrine/deprecations as expected
b587099: [SecurityBundle] add missing xsd definition for OIDC
dec93e9: [FrameworkBundle] remove support for preloading ESM using headers
744c378: [Security] validate aud and iss claims on OidcTokenHandler
c31276b: [VarDumper] use documentElement instead of body for JS flag
99e1b1f: [SecurityBundle] fix error message when using OIDC and web-token/jwt-core is not installed
2e688f7: [Messenger] add deprecation message for the messenger.listener.stop_worker_on_sigterm_signal_listener service
96c2dd7: [VarDumper] add tests for named arguments of VarDumper’s function
29fe9ff: [PhpUnitBridge] disable deduplication of Doctrine deprecations
b033925: [SecurityBundle] use LogicException instead of Definition::addError()
7e01a32: [Serializer] fix ignoring objects that only implement DenormalizableInterface
9217c57: [PhpUnitBridge] fix classifying doctrine/deprecations as direct/indirect
26891af: [Messenger] prevent StopWorkerOnSignalsListener::$signals to be assigned to null in case SIGTERM constant doesn’t exist
08b5907: [HttpKernel] add optional $className param to ControllerEvent::getAttributes()
044b344: remove unnecessary usages of DateTime
373d775: enable sigchild tests
Newest issues and pull requests
[RFC] Chained message handling in Symfony Messenger
[RFC] Rate limiting message handling in Symfony Messenger
Check for unused routing requirements
Fix Doctrine deprecations
SymfonyCasts Updates
SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.
These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:
(Video) Go Pro with Doctrine Queries, Chapter 7: SELECT the SUM (or COUNT)
(Video) Go Pro with Doctrine Queries, Chapter 8: Selecting Specific Fields
(Video) Go Pro with Doctrine Queries, Chapter 9: SELECTing into a New DTO Object
They talked about us
Symfony Station Communiqué – 2 June 2023
Resolving values for unmapped properties when mapping request data to DTOs in Symfony 6.3+
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