A Week of Symfony #883 (27 November – 3 December 2023)

This week, Symfony 6.4.0 and Symfony 7.0.0 stable versions were released. We also published a Symfony 7 landing page to summarize the main new features of this version. In addition, we introduced the Symfony 7 certification. Lastly, the SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 conference will take place next week.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 69 pull requests were merged (55 in code and 14 in docs) and 35 issues were closed (33 in code and 2 in docs). Excluding merges, 34 authors made 1,991 additions and 3,818 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

e95605c: [Validator] made tests forward-compatible with ICU 72.1
0fe7090: [DependencyInjection] don’t check parameter values if they are not set
ce95b87: [Routing] fix removing aliases pointing to removed route in RouteCollection::remove()
db0a0ce: [Messenger] add parameter types in query builder
735959c: [PhpUnitBridge] run composer update for compatibility with PHPUnit versions shipping composer.lock
e88a7f7: [Routing] restore aliases removal in RouteCollection::remove()
410490c: [Serializer] fix support of plain object types denormalization
a0e10fd: [HttpClient, Mailer, Process] always pass microseconds to usleep as integers
80b5ce4: add missing translations for Bulgarian

6.3 changelog:

706b67e: [VarExporter] fix serializing objects that implement __sleep() and that are made lazy
2a00e60: [VarExporter] work around a PHP bug for lazy objects, fixing nullsafe-related behavior
fd5bc71: [VarExporter] fix lazy ghost trait when using nullsafe operator
2a89505: [DependencyInjection] fix dumping containers with null-referenced services

6.4 changelog:

2fb94e4: [HttpClient] add Innovative Web AG (i-web) as sponsor of version 6.4/7.0
929749e: [Routing] add redirection.io as sponsor of versions 6.4/7.0/7.1
b249967: [Console] add Les-Tilleuls.coop as sponsor of version 6.4/7.0
0fe7090: [DependencyInjection] don’t check parameter values if they are not set
9144962: fix legacy class palceholder definitions for static analysis
83d0106: [Routing] fix conflicting FQCN aliases with route name
ce95b87: [Routing] fix removing aliases pointing to removed route in RouteCollection::remove()
8cd61c5: [AssetMapper] upgrade asset mapper to 6.4 fails due to invalid entries „downloaded_to“ and „preload“

7.0 changelog:

5dac6a1: [VarDumper] remove not needed method existance check
7a66efd: update sponsors of Symfony 7.0: Shopware, Sulu and Les-Tilleuls + Sensiolabs for Messenger & SymfonyCasts for Security components

7.1 changelog:

6283597: [DependencyInjection] remove useless setAccessible() calls

Newest issues and pull requests

[PropertyAccess] Support adders without removers (and vice versa)
Remove Gitter Notifier / add Matrix Notifier
Allow impersonation to take a path
Allow disabling exception rendering
Allow prepending extension config in DI Loader (XML/YAML)
[DependencyInjection] Add new attributes to allow inlined services while using autowiring

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

This week, SymfonyCasts released the first videos of a new course called 30 Days with LAST Stack which is free until January 15, 2024. These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) PHPUnit: Integration Testing with Live Services, Chapter 07: Partial Mocking
(Video) PHPUnit: Integration Testing with Live Services, Chapter 08: The Repository Test Helper
(Video) PHPUnit: Integration Testing with Live Services, Chapter 09: Testing Emails
(Video) PHPUnit: Integration Testing with Live Services, Chapter 10: Testing Messenger
(Video) 30 Days with LAST Stack, Chapter 01: Hello LAST Stack!
(Video) 30 Days with LAST Stack, Chapter 02: Asset Mapper
(Video) 30 Days with LAST Stack, Chapter 03: JavaScript Modules

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 01 December 2023
Interview: Symfony 7 in a Nutshell with Nicolas Grekas
An easier way to prepare for Symfony 7.0 Certification
SymfonyCon is coming up: 5 talks you shouldn’t miss
Mastering Symfony’s Service Container: With Real-life Examples
A Simple Way to Validate API Requests in Symfony with DTOs and Annotations
Docker Setup for Symfony 6.3.* Web Apps
Upgrade to Symfony v7
How to migrate from Api Platform v2 to v3?
Testing an OpenAPI specification in PHP
Running a Symfony application on AWS Lambda (Part 1)
Sortie de Symfony 7 : les nouveautés de cette version
API Platform Con replay: APIs avec Symfony & le mouvement coopératif
Optimisez les perfs de votre app avec Go et Symfony Messenger

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