A Week of Symfony #920 (12-18 August 2024)

This week, Symfony optimized dumped resources for tracking in Config and DependencyInjection components, deprecated !tagged tag in favor of the !tagged_iterator tag and fixed handling NO_COLOR env var while adding support for FORCE_COLOR env var. In addition, we published more details about some talks of the SymfonyCon Vienna 2024 conference.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 63 pull requests were merged (61 in code and 2 in docs) and 25 issues were closed (24 in code and 1 in docs). Excluding merges, 21 authors made 75,559 additions and 71,283 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

d5b0f63: [Yaml] throw ParseException on invalid date
8a0673b: [VarDumper] fix generator dump format for PHP 8.4
546dd7b: [HttpClient] reject malformed URLs with a meaningful exception
8fc9d89: [Validator] add D regex modifier in relevant validators
40b8e95: [Mime] add tests on constraints
faa8ebd: fix handling NO_COLOR env var
5d0fa8e: [Console] fix side-effects from running bash completions
14b1b4d: [Security] revert stateless check for ContextListener
9348c49: [Serializer] remove custom CSV escape character from tests

6.4 changelog:

0afbe2e: [Console] fix permitted data type of the default choice
d5f7171: [DoctrineBridge] fix the LockStoreSchemaListener
ccdcd9b: [PsrHttpMessageBridge] fix conversion of partitioned cookies in the PSR-7 bridge
c7f46c5: [Serializer] remove redundant @internal tags from traceable classes
e1bbaf2: [HttpKernel] ESI fragment content may be missing in conditional requests
b25a8d5: [HttpKernel] improve and add tests for Last-Modified computation with ESI responses
a86b865: [Serializer] clean up PHP version checks

7.1 changelog:

0b201a1: [FrameworkBundle] re-remove redundant name attribute from default_context
f0be749: [Serializer] remove useless calls to func_get_arg()
728cec9: [Validator] Pass required requireTld option to Url in tests

7.2 changelog:

0bd53e4: [DependencyInjection] deprecate !tagged tag, use !tagged_iterator instead
c9056d0: [Messenger, Notifier] use more entropy with random_bytes()
44be5f1: [Form] replace class-string by ::class for BaseTypeTestCase::TESTED_TYPE
5df2af1: [Config, DependencyInjection] optimize dumped resources for tracking
d310802: [Uid] add support for binary, base-32 and base-58 representations in Uuid::isValid()
da5e8a3: [DoctrineBridge] loosened CollectionToArrayTransformer::transform() to accept ReadableCollection
acc8dda: [FrameworkBundle] deprecate making cache.app adapter taggable
00c81a7: [Messenger] allow setting retry delay by RecoverableExceptionInterface
8fb48a5: [VarDumper] add support for FORCE_COLOR environment variable
52412c2: [FrameworkBundle] enable detailed error messages by default when debug enabled
a8098b2: [HttpFoundation] use typed property
bd244cc: [DependencyInjection] add ContainerBuilder::registerChild() shortcut method
f7df897: [Workflow] clearer NotEnabledTransitionException message

Newest issues and pull requests

[FrameworkBundle] Allow overriding a service before the container is booted
[TwigBridge] Render a block via the #[Template] attribute
[Scheduler] Allow to skip missed periodic tasks, only the last schedule will be called

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

This week, SymfonyCasts published the following updates:

(Video) Design Patterns Episode 2: Configuring CoR with Symfony
New course announced: Dependency Injection Attributes

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 16 August 2024
Using Symfony LoginFormAuthenticator to Solve Null Email
Strategy Pattern, Symfony and autowiring
Symfony AutowireIterator
Introducing Loggastic: The Open Source Library for Activity Logs tracking
Mastering Field Validation in Symfony: Best Practices Explained
Symfony Insight ? À quoi ça sert ? Comment le met-on en place ?

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