Announcing the Final Schedule of SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Conference

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SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Conference is coming next month, on December
9 and 10! Today we’re announcing the complete schedule of the conference:

December 9, 2021

Removing SPoFs (Fabien Potencier)
Data Validation models (Marcin Czarnecki)
Vulnerabilities and Security Round Trip (Jérémy Derussé)
Decoupling your application using Symfony Messenger and events (Hugo Monteiro)
Symfony Notifier Demystified (Jan Schädlich)
Dealing with dependency troubles in your Symfony project (Denis Brumann)
How to handle dynamic data structure? (Hubert Lenoir)
Runtime component: The game changer (Tobias Nyholm)
Let’s play a game with Blackfire Player (Marcin Czarnecki)
Symfony Components and Design Patterns (Łukasz Chruściel)
The New Testing Landscape: Panther, Foundry & More (Ryan Weaver)
Symfony and Docker: a refreshing new experience (Kévin Dunglas)
How Math, Science, and Star Trek Explain the Value of Team Diversity (Fredric Mitchell)

December 10, 2021

Everything about Symfony 6 (Nicolas Grekas)
Using the SecurityBundle in Symfony 6 (Wouter de Jong)
Building a SaaS product with Symfony : tips and tricks (Titouan Galopin)
Tools for upgrading Symfony Applications (Malte Wunsch)
Working with Twig in Symfony „Tips and tricks“ (William Pinaud)
Symfony Forms: Advanced Use Cases (Alexandre Salomé)
My prod is down, let’s escape from Service Oriented Architecture Hell (Clément Bertillon)
From big ball of mud to clean architecture with Symfony (Rolando Caldas)
Symfony BC Promise demystified (Robin Chalas)
The Benefits of TDD (Diego Aguiar)
Static code analysis: how I learned to love the tool (Alexander M. Turek)
Give your Traditional Site the „single-page-app“ Feel with Turbo (Ryan Weaver)

In addition to these 25 talks, the conference organizes 10 workshops:

Knowing your state machines – Symfony Workflow by Tobias Nyholm (1-day workshop; repeated twice)
API development with API Platform by Kévin Dunglas (1-day workshop)
RESTful Webservices in Symfony by Jan Schädlich (1-day workshop)
Building modular and interactive applications with Symfony UX by Titouan Galopin (1-day workshop; repeated twice)
Profiling Symfony & PHP apps by Jérôme Vieilledent (1-day workshop; repeated twice)
Developing headless e-commerce with Sylius and API Platform by Łukasz Chruściel (1-day workshop)
Symfony Security in Depth by Ryan Weaver

(1-day workshop)

Test Driven Development The Right Way by Diego Aguiar (1-day workshop)
Symfony 5/6: the fast track by Nicolas Grekas (2-day workshop)
Mastering OOP & Design Patterns by Alexandre Salomé (2-day workshop)

Buy your ticket now to attend the conference! All talks are recorded in video
and you can watch them after the event as many times as you want.

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