Announcing the Workshops of SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Conference

The upcoming SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition conference (December 9-10, 2021)
will offer two days of online workshops in English on December 7 and 8.
Seats are limited and they are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Book your seats soon!

Here is the menu of these two workshop days.
Thanks to all trainers for accepting to share their experience!

Knowing your state machines – Symfony Workflow

This workshop will introduce state machines, show you how to identify uses of
them, and implement them in your Symfony application in an object-oriented
manner using the Symfony Workflow component.

A 1-day workshop delivered twice by Tobias Nyholm.
More details.

API development with API Platform

API Plaftorm has become a popular framework for building modern API-driven web
projects. This workshop will teach you how to use features such as Swagger
documentation, pagination, validation, sorting, filtering, authentication,
authorization, content negotiation, and data model generation using vocabulary.

A 1-day workshop delivered by Kévin Dunglas.
More details.

Symfony Security in Depth

Symfony Security has changed a lot in the past months. In this workshop, you’ll
learn how to build modern authentication, how to utilize the new Authenticators
(e.g. to add JWT/OAuth support), how to use existing libraries to add customizable
2FA and a recap of best practices that you should follow when building your authentication.

A 1-day workshop delivered by Ryan Weaver.
More details.

RESTful Webservices in Symfony

In this workshop you will learn the fundamental principles of REST and how you
can implement a RESTful Application using Symfony, including topics like
Serialization, Content-Negotiation and Security.

A 1-day workshop delivered by Jan Schädlich.
More details.

Test Driven Development The Right Way

Have you ever wanted to learn about TDD but never got a chance to learn it
properly? Do you think TDD only slows you down? You don’t know what to do when
getting stuck? Attend this workshop and learn what TDD really is by practice
and add this methodology to your developer toolkit.

A 1-day workshop delivered by Diego Aguiar.
More details.

Building modular and interactive applications with Symfony UX

This workshop will introduce you to Symfony UX and the tools it relies on:
Webpack Encore, Stimulus, Jest and Testing Library. You’ll learn about building
modular interfaces with reusable JavaScript components and advanced User
Experiences using the micro-frontends approach.

A 1-day workshop delivered twice by Titouan Galopin.
More details.

Profiling Symfony & PHP apps

Profiling an application should always be the first step in trying to improve
its performance. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use the
tool to identify performance issues in your application and adopt the best
profiling practices in your daily development habits.

A 1-day workshop delivered twice by Jérôme Vieilledent.
More details.

Symfony 5/6: the fast track

This training is based on the book „Symfony 5/6: The Fast Track“. You’ll learn how
to build a Symfony application from A to Z using new practices and components.
Newcomers will discover the capabilities of Symfony, whereas experienced developers
can learn about its latest features and best practices.

A 2-day workshop delivered by Nicolas Grekas.
More details.

Mastering OOP & Design Patterns

This workshop will help you better understand concepts such as entities, value
objects, services, SOLID principles, calisthenics, coupling, etc. Leverage the power
of design models (factory, adapter, composite, decorator, mediator, strategy, etc.)
to write code that is more maintainable, robust and testable.

A 2-day workshop delivered by Alexandre Salomé.
More details.

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