Become the next Symfony meetup organizer!

Hey there, awesome Symfony enthusiasts!

We’d like to foster the Symfony community to host meetups in your own cities or countries. Imagine an exciting evening filled with learning, conviviality and Symfony! 🎉

You and/or your company could be the proud hosts of a thrilling meetup, connecting a few douzands passionated participants from your local community!

Symfony will make sure everyone leaves the meetup with new insights and inspiration by providing captivating talks & speakers! We will also help you with promotion, while you focus on engaging local sponsors and involving the vibrant local community.

If you’re excited about hosting a meetup with Symfony enthusiasts, we want to hear from you! Just contact us on the support or on slack to share more details with us!

Picture this: an informal and convivial meetup where you’ll get to share your passion for Symfony and PHP with others who are equally passionate but also with the presence of Fabien Potencier and/or Nicolas Grekas!

So come on, let’s make it happen together! ✨

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