New in Symfony 6.2: Better Emoji Support ?

Contributed by
Grégoire Pineau

in #46755, #47263 and #47264.

Nowadays, you can find emojis everywhere: from email subjects and blog post
titles, to messaging app reactions and website icons. You might think that they
are silly, but their importance is increasing in business and other fields.

In Symfony 6.2, we’re improving the Intl component and the String component
to give you more tools to work with emojis. First, you can now transliterate the
emoji description into any language thanks to the new EmojiTransliterator:

use SymfonyComponentIntlTransliteratorEmojiTransliterator;

// describe emojis in English
$transliterator = EmojiTransliterator::create(‚en‘);
$transliterator->transliterate(‚Menus with ? or ?‘);
// => ‚Menus with pizza or spaghetti‘

// describe emojis in Ukrainian
$transliterator = EmojiTransliterator::create(‚uk‘);
$transliterator->transliterate(‚Menus with ? or ?‘);
// => ‚Menus with піца or спагеті‘

This transliterator can also convert emojis into their Slack or GitHub shortcode:

use SymfonyComponentIntlTransliteratorEmojiTransliterator;

// describe emojis in Slack short code
$transliterator = EmojiTransliterator::create(’slack‘);
$transliterator->transliterate(‚Menus with ? or ?‘);
// => ‚Menus with :green_salad: or :falafel:‘

// use this to describe emojis in Github short code
// $transliterator = EmojiTransliterator::create(‚github‘);

In addition to this, the Symfony string slugger has been updated to slugify
emojis into any language:

use SymfonyComponentStringSluggerAsciiSlugger;

$slugger = new AsciiSlugger();
$slugger = $slugger->withEmoji();

$slug = $slugger->slug(‚a ?, and a ? go to ?️‘, ‚-‚, ‚en‘);
// $slug = ‚a-grinning-cat-and-a-lion-go-to-national-park‘;

$slug = $slugger->slug(‚un ?, et un ? vont au ?️‘, ‚-‚, ‚fr‘);
// $slug = ‚un-chat-qui-sourit-et-un-tete-de-lion-vont-au-parc-national‘;

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