New in Symfony 6.4: DX Improvements (part 2)

Duplicate Preferred Choices

Contributed by
Arnaud De Abreu

in #50934.

The preferred_choices option of the ChoiceType field allows you to display
certain choices at the top of your list with a visual separator between them and
the complete list of options.

Originally, those preferred choices were included only once at the top of the list.
In Symfony 4.4, to avoid confusion from some people, we changed this and the
choices are now rendered both at the top of the list and their original location.

This new behavior is also confusing for some people, so we’ve added a new config
so you can fully control if they should be rendered twice or not:

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeChoiceType;
// …

$builder->add(‚language‘, ChoiceType::class, [
‚choices‘ => [
‚PHP‘ => ‚php‘,
‚JavaScript‘ => ‚js‘,
‚Twig‘ => ‚twig‘,
// …
‚preferred_choices‘ => [‚php‘, ‚twig‘],
‚duplicate_preferred_choices‘ => true,

Add Server Parameters when Clicking Links

Contributed by

in #48841.

The BrowserKit component simulates the behavior of a web browser, allowing
you to make requests, click on links and submit forms programmatically. In
Symfony 6.4 we’ve improved the click() and clickLink() methods to allow
setting custom server parameters that are added as request headers when clicking
on the link:

$client = new Client();
$client->request(‚GET‘, ‚/product/123‘);

$crawler = $client->clickLink(‚Proceed to Checkout‘, [‚X-Custom-Header‘ => ‚Some data‘]);

$link = $crawler->selectLink(‚Proceed to Checkout‘)->link();
$client->click($link, [‚X-Custom-Header‘ => ‚Some data‘]);

Default Crawler Attributes

Contributed by

in #51368.

The DomCrawler component eases the DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents.
The methods text() and html(), which extract the text/HTML contents
of the given node allow to define a default value. This is useful because trying
to access the text/HTML of a node that doesn’t exist will throw an exception:

// if the node does not exist, calling to text() will result in an exception
$message = $crawler->filterXPath(‚//body/p‘)->text();

// avoid the exception passing an argument that text() returns when node does not exist
$message = $crawler->filterXPath(‚//body/p‘)->text(‚Default text content‘);

In Symfony 6.4, we’ve improved the attr() method to also support a default
value for the same reasons, to avoid exceptions when the node doesn’t exist:

// instead of this…
try {
$value = $dom->filter(‚a.someclass‘)->attr(‚href‘);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$value = ;

// …do this
$value = $dom->filter(‚a.someclass‘)->attr(‚href‘, );

Maximum Retries in HTTP Client

Contributed by
Daniel Burger

in #50240.

By default, when requests fail because of network issues or temporary server errors,
the HttpClient component retries failed requests up to 3 times, with an exponential
delay between retries. In Symfony 6.4 we’re improving this feature to allow you
to set the exact number of max retries to attempt:

// …
$client->request(‚GET‘, ‚/foo-bar‘, [
‚max_retries‘ => 1, // 0 disables retrying

Defined Env Var Processor

Contributed by

in #50791.

The environment variable processors transform the original contents of a given
environment variable (which is always a string) to turn it into other data types
or to change its contents.

In Symfony 6.4 we’re adding a new processor called defined which returns
false if the env var doesn’t exist or if it’s null or the empty string.
It returns true otherwise:

# …
is_captcha_enabled: ‚%env(defined:CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY)%‘

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