New in Symfony 7.2: Compound Constraint Improvements

The Compound constraint allows you to group other constraints into a single
reusable constraint to apply the same validation in different parts of your application.
For example, you can validate your password policy by checking all conditions with
a set of constraints like this:

// src/Validator/MatchPasswordPolicy.php
use SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraints as Assert;

class MatchPasswordPolicy extends AssertCompound
protected function getConstraints(array $options): array
return [
new AssertNotBlank(allowNull: false),
new AssertLength(min: 8, max: 255),
new AssertNotCompromisedPassword(),
new AssertType(’string‘),
new AssertRegex(‚/[A-Z]+/‘),
// …

Then, in your User entity, you can apply this compound constraint like this:

// src/Entity/User.php
namespace AppEntityUser;

use AppValidatorConstraints as Assert;

class User
public string $plainPassword;

// …

In Symfony 7.2 we’ve added some features to make working with compound constraints easier.

Easier Compound Constraint Tests

Contributed by
Alexandre Daubois

Testing compound constraints used to be unnecessarily complex. That’s why we’re
introducing a new CompoundConstraintTestCase class to simplify those tests.
This is an abstract class that requires defining a single method:

abstract class CompoundConstraintTestCase extends TestCase
abstract protected function createCompound(): Compound;

// …

Using the same MatchPasswordPolicy compound constraint shown earlier, you
can now write a test for it like this:

// tests/Validator/MatchPasswordPolicyTest.php
use SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraints as Assert;
use SymfonyComponentValidatorTestCompoundConstraintTestCase;

class MatchPasswordPolicyTest extends CompoundConstraintTestCase
public function createCompound(): AssertCompound
return new MatchPasswordPolicy();

* @dataProvider provideInvalidPasswords

public function testInvalid(mixed $password, string $code): void


public static function provideInvalidPasswords(): Generator
yield ‚Blank‘ => [, AssertNotBlank::IS_BLANK_ERROR];
yield ‚Too short‘ => [‚a‘, AssertLength::TOO_SHORT_ERROR];
yield ‚Not a string‘ => [1, AssertType::INVALID_TYPE_ERROR];
// …

public function testValid(): void


Add Groups and Payload Constructor Arguments

Contributed by
Alexander M. Turek

A while ago, we added the $groups and $payload arguments to the constructor
of many composite constraints, but we didn’t add them to the compound constraint.
In Symfony 7.2, we’re adding those arguments so you can pass them in the constructor:

class User
groups: [‚registration‘],
payload: [’severity‘ => ‚error‘],
public string $plainPassword;

// …

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