New in Symfony 7.2: Template DX Improvements

Symfony 7.2 includes some DX (developer experience) improvements to make your
work easier in some tasks related to templates.

Define Headers in Static Pages

Contributed by

Although templates are usually rendered in controllers and services, you can also
render static pages directly from the route definition. In Symfony 7.2, you can
also define the HTTP headers of those pages:

# config/routes.yaml
path: /symfony-releases-chart
controller: SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerTemplateController
template: ’static/releases/chart.svg.twig‘
# …

# the HTTP headers added to the response
Content-Type: ‚image/svg+xml‘

Render Twig Blocks Using Attributes

Contributed by
Simon André

If you use Symfony UX Turbo to create fully dynamic interfaces without writing
JavaScript, it’s common to render Twig template blocks instead of entire Twig templates.

In Symfony 6.4, the renderBlock() and renderBlockView() methods were added
to the base AbstractController to simplify block rendering. In Symfony 7.2,
we’re adding a block option to the #[Template] attribute to render specific blocks:

use SymfonyBridgeTwigAttributeTemplate;
// …

class ProductController extends AbstractController
#[Template(‚product/listings.html.twig‘, block: ‚top_list‘)]
public function topSellers(): array
// …

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