New in Symfony 7.2: Translations Linter

Contributed by
Hugo Alliaume

Linters are static code analysis tools used to flag errors like syntactic and
stylistic issues. Symfony includes many linter commands to check YAML config files
(lint:yaml), container services (lint:container), Twig templates
(lint:twig) and even the syntax of XLIFF translation files (lint:xliff).

In Symfony 7.2 we’re adding a new linter to check the content of translations.
Unlike the lint:xliff command, this new lint:translations command checks
all your translations, no matter which of the supported translation formats
you use:

$ php bin/console lint:translations

# you can also lint only some of the supported locales
$ php bin/console lint:translations –locale=en –locale=tr

This command will be especially helpful when using the ICU MessageFormat syntax
in your translations. This syntax is powerful but sometimes tricky, so it’s common
to miss closing braces (}), forget about the other key when using plurals, etc.

$ php bin/console lint:translations

——— ——————————– ——–
Locale Domains Valid?
——— ——————————– ——–
ar validators, security, messages Yes
bn messages, validators No
de validators, security, messages Yes
en validators, security, messages Yes
es validators, security, messages Yes
tr validators, security, messages Yes
——— ——————————– ——–

Errors for locale „bn“ and domain „messages“
Translation key „post.num_comments“ is invalid:

[ERROR] Invalid message format (error #65807): msgfmt_create: message formatter

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