News News rund um das Thema PHP
Symfony 5.4.47 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.4.46: security…
Contributed by Yonel Ceruto in #57408 Symfony allows you to create single-file applications which are useful for simple…
Latest PECL Releases: xlswriter 1.5.8 - Fix: insertDate format. Feat: format rotation. brotli 0.15.2 - fix: argument format…
New Private Subnets Shortcut for Trusted Proxies Contributed by Nicolas Grekas in #58154 If your Symfony application works…
This week, Symfony 5.4.46, 6.4.14, and 7.1.7, maintenance versions were released. In addition, we released the second beta…
In Symfony 7.2, besides introducing three new constraints and improving the Compound constraint, we've also improved other constraints.…