News News rund um das Thema PHP

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024, our next annual international Symfony conference, will take place on: December 3 & 4: Two…

Contributed by HypeMC in #53508 and #53533 Certain transports used in the Messenger component have a timeout that…

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024, our next annual international Symfony conference, will take place on: December 3 & 4: Two…

This week, Symfony 5.4.45, 6.4.13, and 7.1.6 maintenance versions were released. We also published the first beta version…

Welcome to the October edition of PHP Annotated! This recap is carefully handcrafted and brings you the most…

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024, our next annual international Symfony conference, will take place on: December 3 & 4: Two…