News News rund um das Thema PHP

Symfony 4.4.25 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #41000 [Form]…

Latest PECL Releases:datadog_trace 0.60.0 Breaking change: Users that are not explicitly setting or using json encoding are not…

Howdy, y'all! ? Longhorn PHP is returning for its 3rd year in Austin, TX! We are a community-run…

Symfony 5.3.0 has just been released. As for any other Symfony minor release, our backward compatibility promise applies…

Symfony 5.3.0 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #41458 [FrameworkBundle]…

This week, Symfony 5.3 made the last tweaks and fixes before its final release. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony…