News News rund um das Thema PHP

21. Mai 2021

The Notifier component was introduced in Symfony 5.2 as the best way to send notifications via one or…

20. Mai 2021

The preview build for PhpStorm 2021.1.3 is available with a bunch of bugfixes and stability improvements. Notable updates:…

20. Mai 2021

SymfonyWorld 2021is coming next month! We've recently announced the first selected speakers, the first Keynotes and we've announced…

20. Mai 2021

Contributed by Mathieu Santostefano in #38475. The process of translating Symfony applications requires extracting all translatable contents from…

19. Mai 2021

Greetings everyone! PHP 8.0 is gaining momentum and adoption is increasing, as evidenced by Composer’s statistics. Meanwhile, PHP…

19. Mai 2021

Symfony 5.3.0-RC1 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: security #cve-2021-21424 [SecurityCore]…

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