News News rund um das Thema PHP

12. Mai 2021

Symfony 4.4.23 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: security #cve-2021-21424 [Security][Guard]…

12. Mai 2021

Symfony 3.4.48 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: security #cve-2021-21424 [Security][Guard]…

12. Mai 2021

Service Autoconfiguration Using Attributes¶ Contributed by Nicolas Grekas in #39804. Service autoconfiguration allows to automatically apply certain configuration…

11. Mai 2021

Reset Loggers on Messenger Workers¶ Contributed by Laurent Voullemier in #40761. One of the most important elements of…

10. Mai 2021

SymfonyWorld 2021 will come soon! We're super pleased to welcome you for a week of Symfony from June…

10. Mai 2021

Contributed by Maxime Steinhausser in #39399. The Serializer component provides a mechanism to configure the way data is…

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