News News rund um das Thema PHP

Symfony 5.4.42 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.4.41: bug…

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024, our next annual international Symfony conference, will take place on: December 3 & 4: Two…

Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks, known for its elegant syntax and powerful features. According…

Latest PECL Releases: parallel 1.2.3 - CI: fix Windows tests #304 CI: updated to PHP 8.3.9 #305 FrankenPHP…

This week, development activity was slower than usual and focused on tweaks and fixes on all supported branches.…

Join us in Portland, Oregon fon Thursday-Saturday, October 24-26 in Portland, Oregon for the third (and first since…