News News rund um das Thema PHP
This week, Symfony 7.1.0 was released. We also upgraded the official Symfony book to Symfony 6.4. Meanwhile, we…
Expiring Signed URIs Contributed by Baptiste Contreras in #51502. Signed URIs include a hash value that depends on…
A few weeks ago, I've quietly released an updated version of the Symfony book, "The Fast Track" for…
Symfony 7.1.0 has just been released. Check the Living on the Edge category on this blog to learn…
Custom .env Path Contributed by Jérôme Tamarelle in #52638. When using a file to configure environment variables Symfony…
Similar Local Selection Contributed by Florent Morselli in #52986. Symfony's Request object provides a getPreferredLanguage() method to select…