News News rund um das Thema PHP

The PHP team is pleased to announce the second testing release of PHP 8.4.0, Alpha 2. This continues…

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024, our next annual international Symfony conference, will take place on: December 3 & 4: Two…

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024, our next annual international Symfony conference, will take place on: December 3 & 4: Two…

Latest PECL Releases: event 3.1.4 Fixed tests failing with PHP 8.4.0-alpha1 (thanks to Remi Collet). protobuf 4.28.0RC1 *…

This week, Symfony continued tweaking and polishing the new features of the upcoming Symfony 7.2 version, such as…

We are super happy to announce that SymfonyLive Berlin comes back in Spring 2025: April 1st -2nd: 2-day…