PhpStorm 2021.1 Beta

PhpStorm 2021.1 Beta is now available!

Download PhpStorm 2021.1 Beta

Below is a roundup of the most notable updates for the upcoming 2021.1 release. The links will take you to the EAP posts published over the last few months, which contain detailed descriptions of each feature.

No license is required to use this build.


Most of the PHP-related configuration options are now at the top level of Settings / Preferences.

The PHP language level can be unsynced from the composer.json requirements, and you can change them anytime from the status bar.

Preview PHP files right in the editor with a built-in browser and local PHP interpreter.

Language injected in assigned values based on variable usage.

Support dynamically-prefixed table names in SQL queries helps integration with Database tools in popular platforms such as Drupal, Moodle, and others where table prefixes are common.

Inspections and quick-fixes

In 2021.1, we’re adding more than 15 new inspections. Here are just a few of them you can look forward to:

Boolean expression can be simplified

Strict comparison of operands with incompatible types

Replace assignment in the function call with named argument in PHP 8

Replace `isset` with coalesce

Simplify `if` blocks with the common body

New quick-fix: Invert `if` statement


We’ve added synthetic scopes in loop constructs for better rename refactoring.


Maximize tabs in split view mode by double-clicking on a tab.

JSONPath is supported for better search through big JSON documents.

JSON Lines format is now supported.

Typography settings are available under Preferences | Editor | Font for better font customization.

Just like PHP files, you can also preview HTML files and get a live reload experience with no configuration. It just works out of the box!

Version Control

Git commit templates are now supported.

Improved the GitHub pull requests process in the IDE with new features.

Code With Me

Code With Me is a JetBrains tool for collaborative development and pair programming. We originally introduced it in PhpStorm 2020.3, and it has received significant updates in this release.

Set the required level of access to your project and share the link with your guests. Peers do not even need to have their own IDEs installed to collaborate, and there are embedded audio and video calls along with chat messaging.

For businesses that require extra-security, Code With Me on-premises can be installed and securely run on a private network.

HTTP Client

The built-in text-based HTTP client received several UI tweaks, and support for SSL customization.

Web Technologies

The WebStorm team delivered this release with several improvements:

Bundled MDN documentation will help prevent connectivity issues with the MDN website and make in-editor documentation in your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files display more quickly.

When working with style sheets, you can now check the specificity of your selectors – just hover over a selector that you want to check.

Improved support for Stylelint allows fixing issues in your CSS by using Alt+Enter quick-fixes.

Database Tools

Database tools in PhpStorm come with several improvements: UI for grants, context live templates, better navigation, and data editing in MongoDB, just to name a few.

Notable Fixes

In this quality release, we fixed a number of important issues. Here is a selection of interesting ones:

Debugging WSL 2 projects in Docker (WI-53396).

Resolving correct paths for quality tools with Docker Compose in exec mode (WI-55840).

Correct handling of big files (more than 5000 lines of code) (WI-31569).

Significantly improved performance in projects with many aliases (WI-58306).

These are just some of the most important enhancements in the upcoming PhpStorm 2021.1. If you’d like to learn more, check out the What’s coming in PhpStorm 2021.1 playlist on our YouTube channel, JetBrainsTV.

Note that Beta builds are significantly more stable than EAP builds, but there will probably still be some issues. If you run into any, please report them to our issue tracker.

Download PhpStorm 2021.1 Beta

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