PhpStorm 2022.1.3 Is Now Available

We’ve just released PhpStorm 2022.1.3, the third minor update for PhpStorm 2022.1. You can update by using the Toolbox App or from right inside the IDE. You can also download PhpStorm 2022.1.3 from our website.

These are the most notable changes and bug fixes:

We’ve added support for inplace method extraction in traits (WI-66790).We fixed the missing New Watch button in the Debug tool window (IDEA-292307).We now support duplicates for inplace method extraction (WI-64788).We fixed an issue that was making it impossible to connect to OpenSSH 8.8+ servers (IDEA-291877).We fixed the problem causing the wrong file encoding for specific files (IDEA-293287).We fixed an endlessly expanding popup window (IDEA-293388).We added several improvements to code folding in Dart files (WEB-35980, WEB-22497, WEB-54993).

The full list of changes in PhpStorm 2022.1.3 is available on the release notes page. You can download PhpStorm 2022.1.3 here.

That’s all for today. Thanks for keeping up with the changes! We hope they improve your PhpStorm experience.

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