PhpStorm 2022.1 EAP #6

PhpStorm 2022.1 EAP build #6 is now available. To catch up on all the new features, check out our previous EAP blog posts.

The Toolbox App is the easiest way to get the latest EAP builds and keep both your stable and EAP versions up to date. Or you can manually download the EAP builds from our website.

User Experience

Updated Structural Search and Replace dialog

Structural Search and Replace or simple SSR allows to do code-aware searches. For example, finding classes that are inherited from a certain base class via another intermediate ancestor. That’s something you could not achieve easily with grep, but can do with SSR.

Invoke Structural Search and Replace from the main menu Edit | Find | Search Structurally… .

We’ve redesigned the Structural Search and Replace dialog to feature a list of all templates to make it easier to navigate between them.

Also, we’ve added a Pin Dialog icon in the upper right corner of the Structural Search and Replace dialog and moved the Injected code and Match case checkboxes to the bottom of the Search template pane.

Evenly split tabs

You can now evenly distribute the working space among editor tabs so that they are the same width. To set this up, go to Settings / Preferences | Advanced Settings | Editor Tabs | Equalize proportions in nested splits.

Improvements for Docker

New Services view UI

We’ve reworked Docker’s UI in the Services tool window. The makeover has been implemented for containers, images, networks, and volumes.

Docker Registry V2 support

We’ve added support for Docker Registry HTTP API V2 to use with Docker 1.6+. You can create simple or password-protected Docker V2 registries and perform the usual actions like viewing, pushing, and pulling images.

The full list of changes in this build is available in the release notes.

Important! PhpStorm EAP builds are not fully tested and may be unstable.You can install an EAP build side by side with a stable PhpStorm version to try out the latest features.EAP builds are free to use but expire 30 days after the build date.

Please report any problems you find to our issue tracker, or by commenting on this post.

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