PhpStorm 2022.3 EAP Is Open!

The Early Access Program (EAP) for the next major PhpStorm release starts today!

In this first EAP build, you’ll get many new features related to PHP 8.2 support, quick-fix previews, and a bunch of quality-of-life improvements.

Download PhpStorm 2022.3 EAP #1

If you’re not familiar with our EAP, here’s a quick recap…

We publish new EAP builds every week and showcase upcoming features.
EAP builds are free to use and don’t require a license.
You can install the EAP version side by side with your stable version of PhpStorm – there is no need to uninstall it.
The Toolbox App is the easiest way to get the EAP builds and keep both your stable and EAP versions up to date.
Download builds from the EAP page or receive them automatically in the IDE by selecting Check IDE updates for the Early Access Program under Settings / Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Updates.

For this release, we have published a public roadmap. We appreciate all of the feedback in the comments on the Reddit thread. We are now committed to publishing this kind of roadmap before every major release.

Many of the items mentioned in the PhpStorm 2022.3 Roadmap have already been implemented, while others are works in progress.

With that said, let’s look at what’s new in the first EAP build of PhpStorm 2022.3!

New PhpStorm UI preview

Earlier this year, we announced a closed preview program for the new UI. The preview program helped us accumulate and process a lot of insightful feedback, and now we are ready to invite everyone to try out the new UI!

The new UI preview is available for everyone to try. It is turned off by default, but you can switch to the new UI in Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | New UI Preview.

Give it a test drive and share your thoughts about this huge upcoming change!

Full PHP 8.2 support

As always, we deliver support for new language features as soon as possible, as usual, even before the official release.

The PHP team has already announced PHP 8.2 RCX, meaning that the feature list is settled, and PhpStorm 2022.3 will fully support all of them.

We’ll go through the PHP 8.2 updates in detail in one of the next blog posts. Follow us on Twitter @phpstorm to not miss the announcement.

Quick-fix preview

You can fix some code problems automatically by pressing Alt+Enter. Now you will be able to preview the proposed quick-fix or intention before you apply it, so you can instantly see how your code will be altered once you accept PhpStorm’s suggestions.

The preview appears when you open the list of available intention actions and hover on one of the options.

You can disable the preview feature by pressing F1 / Ctrl+Q while the list of intention actions is open.

Example output tooltip for date formats

Date formats that are passed to date() or similar functions can be confusing and more complex than just Y-m-d. But even in this case, do you know the output by heart? You don’t have to. PhpStorm 2022.3 shows a tooltip with an example date when hovering on a date format string.

Shout out to Jason McCreary for this lovely suggestion!

Enhancements for Psalm / PhpStan

Since the initial announcement, we’ve continued to improve PhpStorm’s support for Psalm and PHPStan annotations. This release brings support for the following features:

key-of / value-of.
Parsing of Psalm template declaration with restrictions.
Wildcards in PHPDoc for constant enumerations.

Use external formatters for PHP

It is now possible to choose an external formatter in Preferences | PHP | Quality Tools. You can now use FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer or squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer for this purpose, or stick to the default PhpStorm formatter.

Other for PHP

Support iteration over list array shapes

The support for array shape annotations was added in PhpStorm 2021.2, then in 2022.1, we added multiline and nested syntax support for array shapes.

One last missing part was code completion for array shape items when addressing them in loops.

In PhpStorm 2022.3, you’ll get full code completion when iterating over array-shape annotated structures.

Select local PHP interpreter in the terminal

That’s all for the first build! We’ll keep you informed about the upcoming changes in weekly EAP blog posts.

The complete list of changes in this build is available in the release notes.

Please report any problems you find to our issue tracker, or comment on this post.

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