PhpStorm Public Roadmap: What’s Coming in 2023.3
After recently releasing PhpStorm 2023.2, we’re now ready to share our plans for the next version of PhpStorm.
This is not the complete list of all improvements, but an overview of the most important ones. Your opinions matter, and we’d love to hear your feedback so we can shape PhpStorm into an even more powerful and tailored IDE. Let’s dive in!
PHP 8.3
| Available in the upcoming PhpStorm EAP | The next PHP release is scheduled for late November, and PhpStorm will offer comprehensive support right from its launch.
PHP 8.3 will bring new features and several new functions, but also introduce a few deprecations. Here are just a few changes to mention: readonly amendments, anonymous readonly classes, arbitrary static variable initializers, typed class constants, a new json_validate() function, dynamic class constant fetch, a new #[Override] attribute. For the full list of changes in PHP 8.3 see the UPGRADING document.
Quality and performance
In this release we are working on general improvements to PhpStorm performance in the following three areas:
Quality Tools improvement. Quality tool inspections (including PHP_CodeSniffer, Psalm, PHPStan, PHP CS Fixer, Laravel Pint, and PHP Mess Detector) will become quicker and will be accessible while the indexing process is running.
Inspection and highlighting speed. The user experience will be more enjoyable with faster PhpStorm code analysis.
Fixes for freezes and UI lags. A bunch of freezes will be fixed, improving the user experience when working on PHPUnit projects, detecting composer configs on large projects, collecting data about composer configuration files, during completion of templated classes, and much more.
External libraries: file and directories exclusion
This is a highly upvoted ticket we have in our backlog that will be addressed. In the next version, users will be able to exclude unnecessary directories and files from their libraries, customizing PhpStorm’s suggestion on completion from external libraries. This will speed up indexing and make the completion experience more enjoyable.
We will continue improving PhpStorm support for Symfony developers. For this release, we have several new features that will make your coding experience smoother.
New Project wizard
| Available in the upcoming PhpStorm EAP | The next version of PhpStorm will have a full, out-of-the-box project initializer for Symfony, allowing you to create a new Symfony project with the desired type and version right from the welcome screen:
Doctrine Query Language support inside QueryBuilder
We are expanding our DQL support by working on QueryBuilder support. We’re adding field completion when writing arguments, highlighting for them, and other features that already exist for raw DQL in string literals.
Convert Doctrine annotations to attributes
| Available in the upcoming PhpStorm EAP | After attributes were introduced in PHP 8.0, the annotation driver is being deprecated in Doctrine and will soon be removed. In order to assist in switching to attributes, PhpStorm 2023.3 will include the functionality of converting Doctrine annotations to attributes.
Generics in PHP: dedicated styling of types
We’re continuing to work on visual improvements aimed at better distinguishing generic types.
This is a short list of our major updates planned for 2023.2.
Next week we’ll start our Early Access Program for 2023.3 and we’ll be looking for your feedback, comments, and suggestions. Please share your opinion in any way you feel comfortable – on Twitter (@phpstorm), here in the comment section below, or in YouTrack by going to Help | Submit a Bug Report and submitting a ticket directly from PhpStorm.
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