Ryan Weaver Needs Our Help

Ryan Weaver, a cherished member of the Symfony community, is in urgent need
of our help. He’s battling cancer and he’s asking for our love and support. Please,
if you’re able to, make a donation today: Ryan’s GoFundMe Donations Page.

Hear directly from Ryan in the following video:

So…. I have incurable brain cancer and I’m asking for your love & support 💖 pic.twitter.com/aNgQHedlDS

— Ryan Weaver (@weaverryan) April 8, 2024

About Ryan

Since joining the Symfony community in November 2007, shortly after the release of Symfony 1.0, Ryan has become a familiar face (and voice) through SymfonyCasts,
the official Symfony tutorial site. He’s also a member of the Symfony Core Team
and a regular contributor.

Beyond being the visionary behind numerous initiatives like Symfony UX, the
Maker Bundle, Webpack Encore, and the Symfony Demo, Ryan has significantly
contributed to the Symfony Docs, including the Docs Builder used for compiling
Symfony documentation. He’s also the author of the first blog talking about Symfony.

Ryan’s contributions extend to delivering engaging and insightful talks at Symfony
conferences (you can watch many of them in the Replay section of your Symfony
Conferences account). Above all, Ryan is known for his kindness and eagerness to
support fellow community members.

Now, Ryan needs us. If you are in a position to, please donate today: Ryan’s GoFundMe Donations Page.

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