Second Round of Selected Speakers at SymfonyWorld 2021 Online 2021 Winter Conference

A few days ago we announced the first selected speakers and the workshops
of the upcoming SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition conference (December 9-10, 2021).
Today we are announcing nine additional speakers and talks.

Building a SaaS product with Symfony

After several years of experience building Software As A Service products,
Titouan Galopin will share
some important tips on how to build a technically effective platform while also
focusing on your business (e.g. how to build great subscription mechanisms, how
to rely on other services, how to plan your software architecture for growth, etc.)

Vulnerabilities and Security Round Trip

When building an application, you have to take care of many things to not
introduce security issues. In this talk, Jérémy Derussé
will show you several cases of security issues, what are their impacts and how to fix them.

Symfony BC Promise demystified

When customizing some Symfony feature to match your business needs, sometimes
you need to change the way some core services are wired. This can create some
friction in future upgrades. In this talk, Robin Chalas
will show you the steps to follow to extend Symfony’s code the right way based
on real-word examples and a deep dive into the backward-compatibility promise.

Give your Traditional Site the „single-page-app“ Feel with Turbo

Thanks to Symfony UX and Turbo you can now build traditional applications
that return HTML and have the „no-refresh“ SPA experience. In this talk,
Ryan Weaver will show how to
incrementally convert an existing application into a Turbo-powered app with zero
full page refreshes.

You will also get a primer on Turbo Frames and the cool Turbo Streams, which
allow you to update any part of any user’s page in real time!

Symfony and Docker: a refreshing new experience

Symfony Flex has recently added new configurators for Docker and Docker
Compose. This means that Symfony can now transparently add the services and PHP
extensions needed by your preferred packages.

Kévin Dunglas will show you how
to leverage this feature and how to get the most out of Docker skeletons that
you can use locally, but also in your CI system and in production!

My prod is down, let’s escape from Service Oriented Architecture Hell

Your new project following Service Oriented Architecture is online, visitors
report a problem in the front-end and nobody can find the service that is
breaking the call sequence. Clément Bertillon,
using this real-world experience, will show you how to survive a flood of bad
requests and services to avoid production from remaining down for too long.

From Doctrine ORM to MongoDB ODM

In this talk, Andreas Braun
will show you how a relational schema can sometimes be stored more efficiently
in other databases such as MongoDB. You will also learn about the tools provided
by the MongoDB PHP driver.

Symfony Components and Design Patterns

Design patterns are not a „silver bullet“ but they provide a common ground for developers.
In this presentation, Łukasz Chruściel
will take a closer look and explain how some of these design patterns are applied
on Symfony Components.

How to handle dynamic data structure?

Sometimes, the structure of the data in your application needs to change without
redeploying a new application version (e.g. e-commerce products with different attributes).
To solve this problem, Hubert Lenoir
will show you how different PHP projects like Sylius or Drupal solved this problem
and how you can solve it in your Symfony applications.

In the coming days we’ll announce more exciting talks to complete the rest of
the schedule. Visit the SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition website and
buy tickets for the conference.

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