Symfony 2023 Year in Review

Reflecting on 2023, we are grateful for your continuous support, which enabled
the Symfony project to have a great year. As we look towards 2024, we’re excited
to build on this solid foundation, continuing to help and inspire developers worldwide.

This blog post highlights the key accomplishments of the Symfony project in 2023.


We released three new major versions: Symfony 6.3
in May and Symfony 6.4 (LTS) and
Symfony 7.0 in November. We
also published 58 maintenance versions in eight different branches (4.4, 5.4,
6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 7.0).

We bumped the PHP requirement to 8.2 for the new Symfony 7.0 version.

In addition, we published 311 blog posts (22 more
than last year), including 49 New in Symfony articles
explaining the new features introduced by Symfony 6.3 and 6.4/7.0.

We also published 52 A Week of Symfony blog posts
and we total almost 900 weekly posts since we started, which makes it one of the
longest-running series in the entire tech industry.

Events and Conferences

We organized four conferences:

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 on March 23-24, 2023
SymfonyOnline June 2023 on June 15-16, 2023
SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 on October 5-6, 2023
SymfoynCon Brussels 2023 on December 7-8 2023

The SymfonyCon conference in Brussels
was a blast
and gathered more than 1,200 people.

In 2024 we plan to organize at least these conferences:

SymfonyOnline January 2024
on January 18-19; an online conference in English;
SymfonyLive Paris 2024
on March 28-29; a physical conference for French-speaking developers;
SymfonyCon Vienna 2024
on December 5-6; a world-wide physical conference in English.

You can already send your Call For Paper proposals and buy your tickets for these
conferences. Stay tuned for more announcements about other upcoming conferences.

Symfony Core Team

The Symfony Core Team
is the group of developers that determine the direction and evolution of the
Symfony project.

In 2023, Symfony didn’t appoint any new member to the group. We hope to add new
members in 2024, who will be selected among the most active contributors of
Symfony code and docs.

Symfony Components

Symfony components surpassed 20 billion downloads in 2023 (500 million in 2016,
1 billion in 2017, 3 billion in 2019, 6 billion in 2020, 10 billion in 2021,
15 billion in 2022). Check out our pseudo real-time download stats.

In 2023 we released lots of new components:

Webhook and RemoveEvent
and symfony/ux-toggle-password,
as part of the Symfony UX project.
13 new notifier packages
and 4 new mailer packages
to integrate Symfony applications with third-party services that send emails,
SMS messages, etc.


We published six security advisories.
Thanks to the Symfony Security Team for their coordination work and thanks to
all developers who reported and fixed those vulnerabilities.

Check out your notification preferences
if you want to receive an email whenever a new security release is published.


According to GitHub contribution stats
these were the most active contributors in 2023 in the two main Symfony repositories:

Symfony Code

Nicolas Grekas: 457 commits
Fabien Potencier: 296 commits
Christian Flothmann: 172 commits
Alexandre Daubois: 90 commits
Alexander M. Turek: 81 commits

Symfony Docs

Javier Eguiluz: 365 commits
Alexandre Daubois: 260 commits
Oskar Stark: 138 commits
Antoine Lamirault: 72 commits
Thomas Landauer: 40 commits

These are the stats for the two main Symfony repositories, but there are many
other contributors working on other repositories and there are many developers
working on third-party bundles too. In addition, some developers prefer to
contribute by reviewing the work of other contributors and that’s as important as
contributing code/docs. Thanks to all of them!

Symfony Sponsorship Program

In 2021 we announced a Symfony Sponsorship Program
and a SaaS Sponsoring Program
that allows companies to sponsor different parts of the Symfony project.

In 2023, new companies joined the program or renewed their sponsorships:

SensioLabs sponsors the Symfony 6.4 release,
the Messenger component for 6.4 and 7.0, and the Symfony 6.4 book; sponsors the
Console component for Symfony 6.4 and 7.0 and the Symfony 7.0 release;
Private Packagist sponsors the Symfony 6.4 release;
SymfonyCasts sponsors the Security component
for Symfony 6.4; sponsors the Routing component for
Symfony 6.7, 7.0 and 7.1;
Innovative Web AG sponsors the HttpClient component
for Symfony 6.4 and 7.0; sponsors the book for Symfony 6.4;
QOSSMIC sponsors the book for Symfony 6.4; sponsors the book for Symfony 6.4;
Sulu sponsors the Symfony 7.0 release;
Shopware sponsors the Symfony 7.0 release; sponsors the UX project.

Check out all the Symfony backers. Talk to your
company about this program and, if you are interested, contact us.

Other Relevant News

We introduced the Symfony 7 certification
We published the last release of Twig 2
We attended the API Platform Conference
We completed a multi-year effort to
add all PHP type declarations to Symfony code
We updated the documentation
on deploying Symfony on
We migrated search engine to Meilisearch

Thank You

Overall, this was a great year for Symfony. All this was possible thanks to
your continuous support.

Thanks for being part of the Symfony community!

Sponsor the Symfony project.

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