Symfony 5.4.42 released

Symfony 5.4.42 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.4.41:

bug #57815 [Console][PhpUnitBridge][VarDumper] Fix NO_COLOR empty value handling (@alexandre-daubois)
bug #57828 [Translation] Fix CSV escape char in CsvFileLoader on PHP >= 7.4 (@alexandre-daubois)
bug #57812 [Validator] treat uninitialized properties referenced by property paths as null (@xabbuh)
bug #57816 [DoctrineBridge] fix messenger bus dispatch inside an active transaction (@IndraGunawan)
bug #57799 [ErrorHandler][VarDumper] Remove PHP 8.4 deprecations (@alexandre-daubois)
bug #57802 [PropertyInfo] Fix nullable value returned from extractFromMutator on CollectionType (@benjilebon)
bug #57832 [DependencyInjection] Do not try to load default method name on interface (@lyrixx)
bug #57753 [ErrorHandler] restrict the maximum length of the X-Debug-Exception header (@xabbuh)
bug #57674 [Cache] Improve dbindex DSN parameter parsing (@constantable)
bug #57663 [Cache] use copy() instead of rename() on Windows (@xabbuh)
bug #57617 [PropertyInfo] Handle collection in PhpStan same as PhpDoc (@mtarld)
bug #54057 [Messenger] Passing actual Envelope to WorkerMessageRetriedEvent (@daffoxdev)
bug #57645 [Routing] Discard in-memory cache of routes when writing the file-based cache (@mpdude)
bug #57621 [Mailer] force HTTP 1.1 for Mailgun API requests (@xabbuh)
bug #57616 [String] Revert „Fixed u()->snake(), b()->snake() and s()->snake() methods“ (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #57594 [String] Normalize underscores in snake() (@xabbuh)
bug #57585 [HttpFoundation] Fix MockArraySessionStorage to generate more conform ids (@Seldaek)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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