Symfony 5.4.45 released

Symfony 5.4.45 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.4.44:

bug #58669 [Cache] Revert „Initialize RedisAdapter cursor to 0“ (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58649 [TwigBridge] ensure compatibility with Twig 3.15 (@xabbuh)
bug #58661 [Cache] Initialize RedisAdapter cursor to 0 (@thomas-hiron)
bug #58593 [Mime] fix encoding issue with UTF-8 addresses containing doubles spaces (@0xb4lint)
bug #58615 [Validator] [Choice] Fix callback option if not array returned (@symfonyaml)
bug #58618 [DependencyInjection] Fix linting factories implemented via __callStatic (@KevinVanSonsbeek)
bug #58619 [HttpFoundation][Lock] Ensure compatibility with ext-mongodb v2 (@GromNaN)
bug #58627 Minor fixes around parse_url() checks (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58617 [DependencyInjection] Fix replacing abstract arguments with bindings (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58613 Symfony 5.4 LTS will get security fixes until Feb 2029 thanks to Ibexa‘ sponsoring (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58523 [DoctrineBridge] fix: DoctrineTokenProvider not oracle compatible (@jjjb03)
bug #58492 [MonologBridge] Fix PHP deprecation with preg_match() (@simoheinonen)
bug #58449 [Form] Support intl.use_exceptions/error_level in NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer (@bram123)
bug #58459 [FrameworkBundle] Fix displayed stack trace when session is used on stateless routes (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58376 [HttpKernel] Correctly merge max-age/s-maxage and Expires headers (@aschempp)
bug #58299 [DependencyInjection] Fix XmlFileLoader not respecting when env for services (Bradley Zeggelaar)
bug #58332 [Console] Suppress proc_open errors within Terminal::readFromProcess (@fritzmg)
bug #58404 [TwigBridge] Remove usage of Node() instantiations (@fabpot)
bug #58393 [Dotenv] Default value can be empty (@HypeMC)
bug #58372 Tweak error/exception handler registration (@nicolas-grekas)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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