Symfony 5.4.48 released

Symfony 5.4.48 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.4.47:

bug #59013 [HttpClient] Fix checking for private IPs before connecting (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58562 [HttpClient] Close gracefull when the server closes the connection abruptly (@discordier)
bug #59007 [Dotenv] read runtime config from composer.json in debug dotenv command (@xabbuh)
bug #58963 [PropertyInfo] Fix write visibility for Asymmetric Visibility and Virtual Properties (@xabbuh, @pan93412)
bug #58983 [Translation] [Bridge][Lokalise] Fix empty keys array in PUT, DELETE requests causing Lokalise API error (@DominicLuidold)
bug #58959 [PropertyInfo] consider write property visibility to decide whether a property is writable (@xabbuh)
bug #58964 [TwigBridge] do not add child nodes to EmptyNode instances (@xabbuh)
bug #58822 [DependencyInjection] Fix checking for interfaces in ContainerBuilder::getReflectionClass() (@donquixote)
bug #58865 Dynamically fix compatibility with doctrine/data-fixtures v2 (@greg0ire)
bug #58921 [HttpKernel] Ensure HttpCache::getTraceKey() does not throw exception (@lyrixx)
bug #58908 [DoctrineBridge] don’t call EntityManager::initializeObject() with scalar values (@xabbuh)
bug #58924 [HttpClient] Fix empty hosts in option „resolve“ (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58915 [HttpClient] Fix option „resolve“ with IPv6 addresses (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58919 [WebProfilerBundle] Twig deprecations (@mazodude)
bug #58914 [HttpClient] Fix option „bindto“ with IPv6 addresses (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58875 [HttpClient] Removed body size limit (Carl Julian Sauter)
bug #58860 [HttpClient] Fix catching some invalid Location headers (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58836 Work around parse_url() bug (bis) (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58818 [Messenger] silence PHP warnings issued by Redis::connect() (@xabbuh)
bug #58828 [PhpUnitBridge] fix dumping tests to skip with data providers (@xabbuh)
bug #58842 [Routing] Fix: lost priority when defining hosts in configuration (@BeBlood)
bug #58850 [HttpClient] fix PHP 7.2 compatibility (@xabbuh)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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