Symfony 6.3.0-RC1 released

Symfony 6.3.0-RC1 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.3.0-BETA3:

bug #49817 [Scheduler] Improve triggers performance when possible (@fabpot)
bug #50376 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix cursor on link that has no href (@PhilETaylor)
bug #50349 [Notifier] Document Notifier options in README files (@alamirault)
bug #50312 [Security] Skip clearing CSRF Token on stateless logout (@chalasr)
bug #50315 [Translation] Fix handling of null messages in ArrayLoader (@rob006)
bug #50338 [Console] Remove exec and replace it by shell_exec (@maxbeckers)
bug #50356 [AssetMapper] Fix bug where dependencies were preloaded even if the parent was not (@weaverryan)
bug #50347 [DebugBundle][VarDumper] Fix dump labels compatibility (@fancyweb)
feature #50363 [AssetMapper] Adding „path“ option to importmap:require (@weaverryan)
feature #48852 [Validator] Allow to use translation_domain false for validators and to use custom translation domain by constraints (@VincentLanglet)
feature #49293 [DoctrineBridge] Allow to ignore specific nullable fields in UniqueEntity (@VincentLanglet)
bug #50193 [Serializer] Fix SerializedPath not working with constructor arguments (@HypeMC)
bug #50280 [PropertyAccess] Fix nullsafe operator on array index (@HypeMC)
bug #50362 [FrameworkBundle] Fix Workflow without a marking store definition uses marking store definition of previously defined workflow (@krciga22)
bug #50309 [HttpFoundation] UrlHelper is now aware of RequestContext changes (@giosh94mhz)
bug #50309 [HttpFoundation] UrlHelper is now aware of RequestContext changes (@giosh94mhz)
bug #50355 Bug fix for paths that start with the same string (@weaverryan)
bug #50352 [Notifier][TurboSMS] Fix get sender name (@ZhukV)
bug #50351 [DependencyInjection] Add excludeSelf option to dumpers (@HypeMC)
bug #50354 [Process] Stop the process correctly even if underlying input stream is not closed (@joelwurtz)
bug #50325 [WebProfilerBundle] Tweak the HTML code of the Twig entry view (@javiereguiluz)
bug #50331 [HttpFoundation] Fix problem with empty generator in StreamedJsonResponse (@alexander-schranz)
bug #50340 [HttpKernel] Make QueryParameterValueResolver provide a value if possible when a parameter is not found (@MatTheCat)
bug #50332 [PropertyInfo] Fix PhpStanExtractor when constructor has no docblock (@HypeMC)
bug #50343 [VarDumper] Fix HTML of invisible characters (@fancyweb)
bug #50253 [FrameworkBundle] Generate caches consistently on successive run of cache:clear command (@Okhoshi)
bug #49063 [Messenger] Respect isRetryable decision of the retry strategy for re-delivery (@FlyingDR)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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