Symfony 7.0.6 released

Symfony 7.0.6 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 7.0.5:

bug #54400 [HttpClient] stop all server processes after tests have run (@xabbuh)
bug #54435 [Console] respect multi-byte characters when rendering vertical-style tables (@xabbuh)
bug #54419 Fix TypeError on ProgressBar (@Fan2Shrek)
bug #54425 [TwigBridge] Remove whitespaces from block form_help output (@rosier)
bug #53969 [Mailer] include message id provided by the MTA when dispatching the SentMessageEvent (@xabbuh)
bug #54315 [Serializer] Fixed BackedEnumNormalizer priority for translatable enum (@IndraGunawan)
bug #54372 [Config] Fix YamlReferenceDumper handling of array examples (@MatTheCat)
bug #54362 [Filesystem] preserve the file modification time when mirroring directories (@xabbuh)
bug #54333 [HttpFoundation] Allow array style callable setting for Request setFactory method (@simbera)
bug #54121 [Messenger] Catch TableNotFoundException in MySQL delete (@acbramley)
bug #54271 [DoctrineBridge] Fix deprecation warning with ORM 3 when guessing field lengths (@eltharin)
bug #54306 Throw TransformationFailedException when there is a null bytes injection (@sormes)
bug #54148 [Serializer] Fix object normalizer when properties has the same name as their accessor (@NeilPeyssard)
bug #54305 [Cache][Lock] Identify missing table in pgsql correctly and address failing integration tests (@arifszn)
bug #54199 [Mailer] [Brevo] Check that tags is present in payload before calling setTags (@palgalik)
bug #54292 [FrameworkBundle] Fix mailer config with XML (@lyrixx)
bug #54298 [Filesystem] Fix str_contains deprecation (@NeilPeyssard)
bug #54248 [Security] Correctly initialize the voter property (@aschempp)
bug #54273 [DependencyInjection] fix XmlDumper when a tag contains also a ’name‘ property (@lyrixx)
bug #54191 [Validator] add missing invalid extension error entry (@xabbuh)
bug #54194 [PropertyAccess] Fix checking for missing properties (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #54201 [Lock] Check the correct SQLSTATE error code for MySQL (@edomato)
bug #54252 [Lock] compatiblity with redis cluster 7 (@bastnic)
bug #54265 [VarDumper] prevent error in value to Typed property must not be accessed before initialization (@shakaran)
bug #54124 [Messenger] trigger retry logic when message is a redelivery (@nikophil)
bug #54254 [HttpKernel] Fix creating ReflectionMethod with only one argument (@alexandre-daubois)
bug #54219 [Validator] Allow BICs’ first four characters to be digits (@MatTheCat)
bug #54239 [Mailer] Fix sendmail transport not handling failure (@aboks)
bug #54207 [HttpClient] Lazily initialize CurlClientState (@arjenm)
bug #53865 [Workflow]Fix Marking when it must contains more than one tokens (@lyrixx)
bug #54137 [Validator] UniqueValidator – normalize before reducing keys (@Brajk19)
bug #54187 [FrameworkBundle] Fix PHP 8.4 deprecation on ReflectionMethod (@alexandre-daubois)
bug #54167 [Messenger] [Amqp] Handle AMQPConnectionException when publishing a message. (@jwage)
bug #54146 [HttpClient] Preserve float in JsonMockResponse (@Jibbarth)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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