Symfony 7.1.0-BETA1 released

Symfony 7.1.0-BETA1 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 7.0:

feature #54818 [Translation] Crowdin is backing its translation bridge, thanks to them! o/ (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #54806 [HttpClient] deprecate setLogger() methods of decorating clients (@xabbuh)
feature #54809 JoliCode is sponsoring Symfony 7.1, thanks to them! o/ (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #54657 [TwigBundle] Deprecate base_template_class option (@Steveb-p)
feature #54663 [Serializer] Add XmlEncoder::CDATA_WRAPPING_PATTERN context option (@alexpozzi)
feature #54666 [DependencyInjection] Reset env vars when resetting the container (@faizanakram99)
feature #54455 [DoctrineBridge] Deprecate auto-mapping of entities in favor of mapped route parameters (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #52820 [DependencyInjection] Add #[AutowireInline] attribute to allow service definition at the class level (@DaDeather, @nicolas-grekas)
feature #54720 [Routing] Add {foo:bar} syntax to define a mapping between a route parameter and its corresponding request attribute (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #38662 [DoctrineBridge][Validator] Allow validating every class against unique entity constraint (@wkania)
feature #54371 [DependencyInjection] Deprecate #[TaggedIterator] and #[TaggedLocator] (@GromNaN)
feature #54674 [FrameworkBundle] revert implementing LoggerAwareInterface in HTTP client decorators (@xabbuh)
feature #54670 [TypeInfo] Ease getting base type on nullable types (@mtarld)
feature #54789 [PropertyInfo] remove deprecations, mark TypeInfo as experimental (@soyuka)
feature #54788 [TypeInfo] mark classes as experimental (@soyuka)
feature #54661 [TypeInfo] Handle custom collection objects properly (@mtarld)
feature #53214 [DoctrineBridge] Idle connection listener for long running runtime (@alli83)
feature #49978 [HttpKernel] Introduce #[MapUploadedFile] controller argument attribute (@renedelima)
feature #53365 [DoctrineBridge] Allow EntityValueResolver to return a list of entities (@HypeMC)
feature #54525 [Mailer] [Resend] Add Resend webhook signature verification (@welcoMattic)
feature #54589 [Messenger] forward a Clock instance to the created InMemoryTransport (@xabbuh)
feature #54604 [Ldap] Improve error reporting during LDAP bind (@RoSk0)
feature #54356 [Notifier] LOX24 SMS bridge (@alebedev80)
feature #54473 [Validator] Add support for types (ALL, LOCAL_, UNIVERSAL_, UNICAST_, MULTICAST_*, BROADCAST) in MacAddress constraint (@Ninos)
feature #53971 Cast env vars to null or bool when referencing them using #[Autowire(env: ‚…‘)] depending on the signature of the corresponding parameter (@ruudk)
feature #54535 [Validator] Deprecate Bic::INVALID_BANK_CODE_ERROR (@MatTheCat)
feature #54044 [Mailer] Add support for allowing some users even if recipients is defined in EnvelopeListener (@lyrixx)
feature #54442 [Clock] Add a polyfill for DateTimeImmutable::createFromTimestamp() (@derrabus)
feature #53801 [HttpKernel] Deprecate AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePass and related code infrastructure (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #54510 [Console] Handle SIGQUIT signal (@ostrolucky)
feature #54385 [HttpKernel] Map a list of items with MapRequestPayload attribute (@yceruto)
feature #54432 [TwigBridge] Add emojify twig filter (@lyrixx)
feature #54496 [Contracts] Rename ServiceSubscriberTrait to ServiceMethodsSubscriberTrait (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #54443 [Security] Add support for dynamic CSRF id with Expression in #[IsCsrfTokenValid] (@yguedidi)
feature #53968 [Process] allow to ignore signals when executing a process (@joelwurtz)
feature #54346 [Serializer] Fix: Report Xml warning/error instead of silently returning a wrong xml (@VincentLanglet)
feature #54423 [WebProfilerBundle] Update the search links in the profiler layout (@javiereguiluz)
feature #52986 [HttpFoundation] Similar locale selection (@Spomky)
feature #53160 [PropertyInfo] Deprecate PropertyInfo Type (@mtarld)
feature #54408 [Validator] Add a requireTld option to Url constraint (@javiereguiluz)
feature #54470 [Emoji] Add the „text“ locale (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #54414 [DependencyInjection] Improve the error message when there is no extension to load some configuration (@javiereguiluz)
feature #54479 [Validator] set the password strength as a violation parameter (@xabbuh)
feature #52843 [DependencyInjection] Prepending extension configs with file loaders (@yceruto)
feature #53682 [Security] Support RSA algorithm signature for OIDC tokens (@Spomky)
feature #54441 [Emoji] Add the gitlab locale (@alamirault)
feature #54420 [WebProfilerBundle] Update main menu to display active panels first (@javiereguiluz)
feature #54381 [Messenger] Allow extending attribute class AsMessageHandler (@GromNaN)
feature #54364 [WebProfilerBundle] [WebProfilerPanel] Update the design of the workflow profiler panel (@javiereguiluz)
feature #54365 [DependencyInjection] Apply attribute configurator to child classes (@GromNaN)
feature #54320 [VarDumper] Add support for new DOM extension classes in DOMCaster (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #54344 [Workflow] Add EventNameTrait to compute event name strings in subscribers (@squrious)
feature #54347 [Console] Allow to return all tokens after the command name (@lyrixx)
feature #54135 [Console] Add a way to use custom lock factory in lockableTrait (@VincentLanglet)
feature #51502 [HttpKernel] Add temporary URI signed (@BaptisteContreras)
feature #53898 [Serializer] Add context for CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter (@AurelienPillevesse)
feature #49184 [FrameworkBundle][HttpFoundation] reduce response constraints verbosity (Nicolas Appriou, @Nicals)
feature #53901 [Mailer] [Amazon] Add support for X-SES-LIST-MANAGEMENT-OPTIONS header (@sebschaefer)
feature #54153 [HttpKernel] allow boolean argument support for MapQueryString (@Jean-Beru)
feature #53885 [WebProfilerBundle] Allow to search inside profiler tables (@javiereguiluz)
feature #52950 [WebProfilerBundle] Set XDEBUG_IGNORE option for all XHR (@adrolter)
feature #54173 [Filesystem] Add the readFile() method (@derrabus)
feature #54313 [Mime] Update mime types (@smnandre)
feature #54016 [DependencyInjection] Add #[AutowireMethodOf] attribute to autowire a method of a service as a callable (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #54272 [Workflow] Add support for workflows that need to store many tokens in the marking (@lyrixx)
feature #54238 [Console] Add ArgvInput::getRawTokens() (@lyrixx)
feature #51227 [FrameworkBundle][Workflow] Attach the workflow’s configuration to the workflow tag (@lyrixx)
feature #54107 [HttpKernel] Improve error reporting when requiring the wrong Request class (@ilyachase)
feature #53851 [Security] Ignore empty username or password login attempts (@llupa)
feature #54125 [AssetMapper] Deprecate unused method splitPackageNameAndFilePath (@smnandre)
feature #54084 [Lock] Make NoLock implement the SharedLockInterface (@mbabker)
feature #53892 [Messenger][AMQP] Automatically reconnect on connection loss (@ostrolucky)
feature #53734 [Notifier] Add SMSense bridge (@jimiero)
feature #53942 [Clock] Add get/setMicroseconds() (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #53986 [Console] Add descriptions to Fish completion output (@adriaanzon)
feature #53927 [Notifier] Add new Pushy notifier bridge (@stloyd)
feature #53866 [Workflow] determines places from transitions (@lyrixx)
feature #53868 [Config] Allow custom meta location in ConfigCache (@alamirault)
feature #48603 [Messenger][Amqp] Add config option ‚arguments‘ for delay queues (Thomas Beaujean)
feature #50745 [DependencyInjection] Add CheckAliasValidityPass to check interface compatibility (@n-valverde)
feature #53806 [ExpressionLanguage] Add more configurability to the parsing/linting methods (@fabpot)
feature #49144 [HttpFoundation] Add support for SplTempFileObject in BinaryFileResponse (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #53706 [Mailer] Add timestamp to SMTP debug log (@bytestream)
feature #53747 [Yaml] Revert „feature #48022 Fix Yaml Parser with quote end in a newline (maxbeckers)“ (@xabbuh)
feature #50864 [TwigBridge] Allow twig:lint to excludes dirs (@94noni)
feature #48022 [Yaml] Fix Yaml Parser with quote end in a new line (@maxbeckers)
feature #48803 [CssSelector] add support for :is() and :where() (@Jean-Beru)
feature #52510 [TypeInfo] Introduce component (@mtarld)
feature #52043 [Config] Allow custom meta location in ResourceCheckerConfigCache (@ruudk)
feature #51343 [HttpFoundation] Add HeaderRequestMatcher (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #51324 [HttpFoundation] Add QueryParameterRequestMatcher (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #51514 [Serializer] Add Default and „class name“ default groups (@mtarld)
feature #52658 [Validator] Add additional versions (_NO_PUBLIC, _ONLY_PRIV & *_ONLY_RES) in IP address & CIDR constraint (@Ninos)
feature #52230 [Yaml] Allow to get all the enum cases (@phansys)
feature #48276 [Security] add CAS 2.0 AccessToken handler (@nacorp)
feature #52922 [DependencyInjection] Add Lazy attribute for classes and arguments (@Tiriel)
feature #53056 [Serializer] Add DateTimeNormalizer::CAST_KEY context option (@norkunas)
feature #53096 [Intl] [Emoji] Move emoji data in a new component (@smnandre)
feature #53362 [PropertyInfo] Restrict access to PhpStanExtractor based on visibility (@nikophil)
feature #53550 [FrameworkBundle][HttpClient] Add ThrottlingHttpClient to limit requests within a timeframe (@HypeMC)
feature #53466 Add SecretsRevealCommand (@danielburger1337)
feature #53740 Mailersend webhook remote event (@doobas, @fabpot)
feature #53728 [ExpressionLanguage] Add min and max php functions (@maxbeckers)
feature #51562 [DoctrineBridge] Add message to #[MapEntity] for NotFoundHttpException (@moesoha)
feature #53680 [DependencyInjection][Yaml] dump enums with the !php/enum tag (@xabbuh)
feature #53621 [Mailer] [Smtp] Add DSN param ‚auto_tls‘ to disable automatic STARTTLS (@srsbiz)
feature #53554 [Mailer] Add Resend bridge (@welcoMattic)
feature #53448 [Cache] Add support for using DSN with PDOAdapter (@HypeMC)
feature #52447 [Form] Add option separator to ChoiceType to use a custom separator after preferred choices (@mboultoureau)
feature #53080 [Clock] Return Symfony ClockInterface in ClockSensitiveTrait (@ruudk)
feature #53328 [Messenger] Add jitter parameter to MultiplierRetryStrategy (@rmikalkenas)
feature #53382 [Uid] Add AbstractUid::toString() (@fancyweb)
feature #53374 [Validator] support Stringable instances in all constraints (@xabbuh)
feature #53163 [Contracts][DependencyInjection] Add ServiceCollectionInterface (@kbond)
feature #52638 [Dotenv] Add SYMFONY_DOTENV_PATH, consumed by debug:dotenv for custom .env path (@GromNaN)
feature #51862 [Validator] Add MacAddress constraint for validating MAC address (@Ninos)
feature #52924 [FrameworkBundle] add a private_ranges shortcut for trusted_proxies (@xabbuh)
feature #53209 [HttpKernel] Add support for custom HTTP status code for the #[MapQueryParameter] attribute (@ovidiuenache)
feature #53151 mark classes implementing the WarmableInterface as final (@xabbuh)
feature #53262 [Notifier] [OneSignal] Add support for sending to external user ids (@KDederichs)
feature #51884 [Form] add „model_type“ option to MoneyType (@garak)
feature #52936 [Notifier] Add bridge (@NeoBlack)
feature #53249 [Validator] support Stringable instances in CharsetValidator (@xabbuh)
feature #53251 [AssetMapper] Add integrity hash to the default es-module-shims script (@smnandre)
feature #52976 [Notifier] Add bridge (@dfridrich)
feature #53154 [Validator] Add the Charset constraint (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #53191 [HttpKernel] Allow #[WithHttpStatus] and #[WithLogLevel] to take effect on interfaces (@priyadi)
feature #53212 [HttpKernel] Add HttpException::fromStatusCode() (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #53060 [Uid] Add UuidV1::toV6(), UuidV1::toV7() and UuidV6::toV7() (@fancyweb, @nicolas-grekas)
feature #53148 [Notifier] Add Smsbox notifier bridge (Alan ZARLI)
feature #52954 [Validator] Add list and associative_array types to Type constraint (Florian Hermann)
feature #53091 [FrameworkBundle][RateLimiter] add rate_limiter tag to rate limiter services (@kbond)
feature #53123 [VarDumper] Added default message for dd function (Shamimul Alam)
feature #52948 Use faster hashing algorithms when possible (@javiereguiluz)
feature #52970 [HttpClient] Add JsonMockResponse::fromFile() and MockResponse::fromFile() shortcuts (@fancyweb)
feature #52989 allow Twig 4 (@xabbuh)
feature #53092 [Notifier] Add Unifonic notifier bridge (@seferov)
feature #53083 [Notifier] Add Bluesky notifier bridge (@Nyholm)
feature #52775 [HttpClient] Allow mocking start_time info in MockResponse (@fancyweb)
feature #52962 [FrameworkBundle] Move Router cache directory to kernel.build_dir (@Okhoshi)
feature #52974 [Cache] Deprecate CouchbaseBucketAdapter, use CouchbaseCollectionAdapter (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #52971 [Messenger] Make #[AsMessageHandler] final (@Valmonzo)
feature #52961 [Security][SecurityBundle] Add #[IsCsrfTokenValid] attribute (@yguedidi)
feature #39438 [Form] Errors Property Paths mismatch CollectionType children when removing an entry (@cristoforocervino)
feature #52842 [Mailer] Add Azure bridge (@hafael)
feature #52946 [HttpClient] Add HttpOptions->addHeader as a shortcut to add an header in an existing options object (@Dean151)
feature #52893 [Cache][Messenger] make both options redis_sentinel and sentinel_master available everywhere (@xabbuh)
feature #52854 [Workflow] Add getEnabledTransition() method annotation to WorkflowInterface (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #52916 [Mailer] Dispatch event for Postmark’s „inactive recipient“ API error (@vicdelfant)
feature #52879 [PropertyAccess][Serializer] Fix „type unknown“ on denormalize (@seferov)
feature #52411 [Messenger] Add –all option to messenger:consume (@javaDeveloperKid)
feature #52493 [HttpFoundation] Add UploadedFile::getClientOriginalPath() to support directory uploads (@danielburger1337)
feature #52632 [PropertyInfo] Make PhpDocExtractor::getDocBlock() public (@Nyholm)
feature #52730 [Serializer] Consider SerializedPath in debug command output (@jschaedl)
feature #52128 [HttpKernel] Introduce ExceptionEvent::isKernelTerminating() to skip error rendering when kernel is terminating (@VincentLanglet)
feature #52636 [DependencyInjection] Prepend extension config with ContainerConfigurator (@yceruto)
feature #52198 [String] New locale aware casing methods (@bram123)
feature #52369 [DependencyInjection] Add urlencode function to EnvVarProcessor (@crtl)
feature #50922 [Form] Deprecate not configuring the default_protocol option of the UrlType (@MatTheCat)
feature #52605 [Console] Support ProgressBar::iterate() on empty array (@GromNaN)

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