Symfony 7.2.0-BETA1 released

Symfony 7.2.0-BETA1 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 7.1:

feature #58467 [PhpUnitBridge] support ClockMock and DnsMock with PHPUnit 10+ (@xabbuh)
feature #58506 [FrameworkBundle] Add –no-fill option to translation:extract command (@jawira)
feature #58428 [Config] Add StringNode (@raffaelecarelle)
feature #58322 [Notifier] Add Sweego bridge (@welcoMattic)
feature #58527 [Notifier] Add LINE Bot bridge (@pan93412)
feature #58552 [Console][Messenger] Add $seconds to keepalive() methods (@valtzu)
feature #51041 [Form] Use form.post_set_data in ResizeFormListener (@HeahDude)
feature #58287 [WebProfilerBundle] Render the toolbar stylesheet (@smnandre)
feature #58512 [Validator] Pass context to expressions used in When constraints (@KoNekoD)
feature #52503 [DoctrineBridge][Form] Introducing new LazyChoiceLoader class and choice_lazy option for ChoiceType (@yceruto)
feature #58109 [Lock] Add NullStore (@xabbuh)
feature #58490 [Config] Allow using defaultNull() on BooleanNodeDefinition (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58095 [Security] Implement stateless headers/cookies-based CSRF protection (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #53508 [Console][Messenger] Asynchronously notify transports which messages are still being processed (@HypeMC)
feature #57829 [FrameworkBundle] Finetune AboutCommand (@JoppeDC)
feature #58264 [Mailer] Support region in sendgrid bridge (@MrYamous)
feature #50324 [Webhook] Add Mailchimp webhook (@johanadivare)
feature #58361 [Mailer][Mime] Support unicode email addresses (@arnt, @OskarStark)
feature #53533 [Console] Add ability to schedule alarm signals and a ConsoleAlarmEvent (@HypeMC)
feature #54664 [DependencyInjection] Resolve container parameter used in index attribute of service tags (Marvin Feldmann)
feature #57576 [Console] Add finished indicator to ProgressIndicator (@LauLaman)
feature #58448 [TwigBridge] Update main.css email stylesheet to latest foundation-emails release (@phasdev)
feature #58408 [Translation] Allow sort when extracting translation files (@danut007ro)
feature #58427 [Notifier] [GatewayAPI] Add support for label parameter (Nico Hiort af Ornäs)
feature #58341 [ExpressionLanguage] Add support for logical xor operator (@HypeMC)
feature #58385 [String] Add the AbstractString::kebab() method (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58403 [Mailer][Webhook] Mailtrap webhook support (@kbond)
feature #58351 [Mailer] deprecate the TransportFactoryTestCase (@xabbuh)
feature #58401 [Mailer][Webhook] Fix SendGrid Webhook parsing (@kbond)
feature #58366 [HttpKernel] Improve accessibility (@javiereguiluz)
feature #58352 [Translation] deprecate the ProviderFactoryTestCase (@xabbuh)
feature #58248 [Webhook] Allow request parsers to return multiple RemoteEvent’s (@kbond)
feature #58308 [Serializer] Deprecate AdvancedNameConverterInterface (@mtarld)
feature #58335 [Notifier] deprecate the TransportFactoryTestCase (@xabbuh)
feature #57270 [Messenger] Allow to skip message in FailedMessagesRetryCommand (Thibaut Chieux)
feature #58141 [AssetMapper] Search & filter assets in debug:asset-mapper command (@smnandre)
feature #58386 [WebProfilerBundle] Update the contents of the Config panel (@javiereguiluz)
feature #58161 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Add support for SYMFONY_TRUSTED_PROXIES, SYMFONY_TRUSTED_HEADERS, SYMFONY_TRUST_X_SENDFILE_TYPE_HEADER and SYMFONY_TRUSTED_HOSTS env vars (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #53632 [Console] Add silent verbosity suppressing all output, including errors (@wouterj)
feature #56823 [Serializer] Introduce named serializers (@HypeMC)
feature #57611 [DependencyInjection][FrameworkBundle] Introducing container non-empty parameters (@yceruto)
feature #58249 [FrameworkBundle] Add ability to use existing service as lock/semaphore resource (@HypeMC)
feature #58166 [Security][SecurityBundle] Allow passing attributes to passport via Security::login() (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58205 [Translation] Added segment-attributes metadata for Xliff2 files to preserve the „state“ attribute of translations (@jbtronics)
feature #58228 [String] Add Spanish inflector with some rules (@dennistobar)
feature #58252 [Mailer] add Mailtrap bridge (@kbond)
feature #57805 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate session.sid_length and session.sid_bits_per_character config options (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58199 [FrameworkBundle] Add –resolve-env-vars option to lint:container command (@ostrolucky)
feature #58244 [HttpFoundation] Deprecate more options in NativeSessionStorage (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58246 [Serializer][Uid] Add the Uuid::FORMAT_RFC_9562 and UidNormalizer::NORMALIZATION_FORMAT_RFC9562 constants (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58258 [Process] Add Laravel Herd php detection path (@mpociot)
feature #58182 make test case classes compatible with PHPUnit 10+ (@xabbuh)
feature #58165 [FrameworkBundle] Remove default value for gc_probability config option (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #58154 [HttpFoundation] Add PRIVATE_SUBNETS as a shortcut for private IP address ranges to Request::setTrustedProxies() (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #58145 allow Twig 4 (@xabbuh)
feature #58072 [Translation] [Loco] Ability to configure value of status query-variable (@mathielen)
feature #57793 [Serializer] Support subclasses of DateTime and DateTimeImmutable (@amcsi)
feature #58042 [Ldap] Add support for sasl_bind and whoami LDAP operations (@manu0401)
feature #58074 [Console][Process] Add $verbosity argument to mustRun helper method (@willrowe)
feature #58129 [VarExporter] Allow reinitializing lazy objects with a new initializer (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #57683 [Notifier] Support for desktop notifications via jolicode/JoliNotif (@ahmedghanem00)
feature #58035 [DependencyInjection] Add support for key-type in XmlFileLoader (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58047 [Webhook] Pass original request to RequestParserInterface (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58052 [ExpressionLanguage] Add support for <<, >>, and ~ bitwise operators (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58062 [Validator] Add $groups and $payload to Compound constructor (@derrabus)
feature #58038 [HttpFoundation] Add optional $v4Bytes and $v6Bytes parameters to IpUtils::anonymize() (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58060 [Serializer] Add SnakeCaseToCamelCaseNameConverter (@dunglas)
feature #49547 [Validator] Add CompoundConstraintTestCase to ease testing Compound Constraints (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #57833 [VarDumper] Add support for virtual properties (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #57960 [Form] Add support for the calendar option in DateType (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #52951 [Messenger] Add previous to the exception output (@ToshY)
feature #54179 [HttpClient] Add support for amphp/http-client v5 (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #57577 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Let RequestPayloadValueResolver consider mapped argument type (@unixslayer)
feature #58001 [Scheduler] Add capability to skip missed periodic tasks, only the last schedule will be called (@eltharin)
feature #57827 [Serializer][Translation] Deprecate passing a non-empty CSV escape char (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #58007 [Security] Deprecate empty user identifier (@ajgarlag)
feature #57431 [Mailer] Add Sweego bridge (@welcoMattic)
feature #58028 [TwigBridge] Render a block via the #[Template] attribute (@smnandre)
feature #58004 [DependencyInjection] Add ContainerBuilder::registerChild() shortcut method (@HypeMC)
feature #57881 [Webhook] decouple the Webhook component from the Serializer component (@xabbuh)
feature #57804 [FrameworkBundle] enable detailed error messages by default when debug enabled (@xabbuh)
feature #57777 [VarDumper] Add support for FORCE_COLOR environment variable (@artshade)
feature #57915 [Messenger] Allow setting retry delay by RecoverableExceptionInterface (@valtzu)
feature #57927 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate making adapter taggable (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #57935 [DoctrineBridge] Loosened CollectionToArrayTransformer::transform() to accept ReadableCollection (@timdev)
feature #57940 [Uid] Add support for binary, base-32 and base-58 representations in Uuid::isValid() (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #57908 [Validator] Add Week constraint (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #57934 [DependencyInjection] Deprecate !tagged tag, use !tagged_iterator instead (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #57903 [Mailer] Implement Postal mailer (@jonasclaes)
feature #57938 [Validator] Add support for RFC4122 format in the Ulid constraint (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #57879 [AssetMapper] Truncate public digests to 8 characters (@smnandre)
feature #57909 [HttpFoundation] Add $requests parameter to RequestStack constructor (@alexander-schranz)
feature #57839 [Form] Deprecate VersionAwareTest trait (@derrabus)
feature #57836 [Cache] Add optional ClockInterface to ArrayAdapter (@jasiolpn)
feature #54593 [PhpUnitBridge] Add ExpectUserDeprecationMessageTrait (@derrabus)
feature #57525 [SecurityBundle] Improve profiler’s authenticators tab (@MatTheCat)
feature #57618 [TypeInfo] Add PhpDocAwareReflectionTypeResolver (@mtarld)
feature #57702 [Cache] Stop defaulting to igbinary in DefaultMarshaller (Martijn Croonen)
feature #57773 [Security] pass the current token to the checkPostAuth() method of user checkers (@xabbuh)
feature #57797 [FrameworkBundle] terminate with non-zero exit code when a secret could not be read (@xabbuh)
feature #57716 [Validator] Add the WordCount constraint (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #57694 [SecurityBundle] Update web-token/jwt-library version and adjust checker parameters (@Spomky)
feature #57692 [SecurityBundle] Link to the profile the token was (de)authenticated (@MatTheCat)
feature #57685 [ExpressionLanguage] Allow passing any iterable as $providers list (@HypeMC)
feature #57670 [FrameworkBundle] Add exit option to secrets:decrypt-to-local command (@dciprian-petrisor)
feature #57671 [Messenger] Let WrappedExceptionsInterface extend the native Throwable interface (@xabbuh)
feature #57658 [Notifier] Remove the Gitter bridge (@fabpot)
feature #57627 [Notifier] Add Sipgate bridge (Lukas Kaltenbach, @sakul95)
feature #57243 [String] Add TruncateMode mode to truncate methods (@Korbeil)
feature #57456 [Mailer] Add mailomat bridge (@scuben)
feature #57399 [HtmlSanitizer] Add support for configuring the default action (@Seldaek)
feature #57595 [Yaml] Deprecate duplicate mapping keys containing null (@xabbuh)
feature #57507 [Messenger] Introduce #[AsMessage] attribute for message routing (@pounard)
feature #57518 Unify how –format is handled by commands (@fabpot)
feature #57379 [DependencyInjection] Add #[WhenNot] attribute (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #54978 [ExpressionLanguage] Add comment support to expression language (@valtzu)
feature #57438 [Validator] Add the format option to the Ulid constraint to allow accepting different ULID formats (@alexandre-daubois)
feature #57426 [Messenger] Add –format option to the messenger:stats command (@xvilo)
feature #57369 [Security] Display authenticators in the profiler even if they are all skipped (@MatTheCat)
feature #57425 [SecurityBundle] Improve profiler’s data (@MatTheCat)
feature #57436 [Validator] Add errorPath to Unique constraint (@norkunas)
feature #57408 [FrameworkBundle] Simpler Kernel setup with MicroKernelTrait (@yceruto)
feature #57424 [Mailer] [Infobip] Add trackClicks, trackOpens and trackingUrl as supp… (@ndousson)
feature #57380 [Validator] fix IBAN validator fails if IBAN contains non-breaking space (@antten)
feature #53749 [Validator] Add Yaml constraint for validating YAML content (@symfonyaml)
feature #57313 [Uid] Make AbstractUid implement DsHashable if available (@jahudka)
feature #52679 [Process] ExecutableFinder::addSuffix() has no effect (@TravisCarden)
feature #54879 BicValidator add strict mode to validate bics in strict mode (@maxbeckers)
feature #54679 [TypeInfo] Proxies methods to non-nullable and fail gracefully (@mtarld)
feature #54737 [Notifier] [Slack] Add button block element and emoji/verbatim options to section block (@cvergne)
feature #54757 [ExpressionLanguage] Support non-existent names when followed by null coalescing (@adamkiss)
feature #54747 [Notifier] Add Primotexto bridge (Samael tomas)
feature #54975 [Mime] Support custom encoders in mime parts (@KDederichs)
feature #54894 [PropertyInfo] Adds static cache to PhpStanExtractor (@mvhirsch)
feature #57101 [Translation] Add lint:translations command (@Kocal)
feature #56985 [FrameworkBundle] Derivate kernel.secret from the decryption secret when its env var is not defined (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #57073 [AssetMapper][FrameworkBundle] Do not require http_client service (@ruudk)
feature #54678 [FrameworkBundle] Add support for setting headers with TemplateController (@HypeMC)
feature #54756 [Notifier] [Bluesky] Allow to attach image (@jdecool)
feature #54854 [Stopwatch] Add ROOT constant to make it easier to reference (@hacfi)
feature #54855 [Stopwatch] Add getLastPeriod method to StopwatchEvent (@hacfi)
feature #56838 [Security] Deprecate argument $secret of RememberMeToken and RememberMeAuthenticator (@nicolas-grekas)
feature #54881 [Validator] Make PasswordStrengthValidator::estimateStrength() public (@yalit)

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