Symfony 7.2.0-BETA2 released

Symfony 7.2.0-BETA2 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 7.2.0-BETA1:

bug #58776 [DependencyInjection][HttpClient][Routing] Reject URIs that contain invalid characters (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58772 [DoctrineBridge] Backport detection fix of Xml/Yaml driver in DoctrineExtension (@MatTheCat)
bug #58706 [TwigBridge] use reproducible variable names in the default domain node visitor (@xabbuh)
security #cve-2024-51736 [Process] Use PATH before CD to load the shell on Windows (@nicolas-grekas)
security #cve-2024-50342 [HttpClient] Filter private IPs before connecting when Host == IP (@nicolas-grekas)
security #cve-2024-50345 [HttpFoundation] Reject URIs that contain invalid characters (@nicolas-grekas)
security #cve-2024-50340 [Runtime] Do not read from argv on non-CLI SAPIs (@wouterj)
bug #58765 [VarDumper] fix detecting anonymous exception classes on Windows and PHP 7 (@xabbuh)
bug #58757 [RateLimiter] Fix DateInterval normalization (@danydev)
bug #58764 [Mime] Don’t require passing the encoder name to TextPart (@javiereguiluz)
bug #58712 [HttpFoundation] Fix support for SplTempFileObject in BinaryFileResponse (@elementaire)
bug #58762 [WebProfilerBundle] re-add missing profiler shortcuts on profiler homepage (@xabbuh)
bug #58754 [Security] Store original token in token storage when implicitly exiting impersonation (@wouterj)
bug #58753 [Cache] Fix clear() when using Predis (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58713 [Config] Handle Phar absolute path in FileLocator (@alexandre-daubois)
bug #58728 [WebProfilerBundle] Re-add missing Profiler shortcuts on Profiler homepage (@welcoMattic)
bug #58739 [WebProfilerBoundle] form data collector check passed and resolved options are defined (@vltrof)
bug #58752 [Process] Fix escaping /X arguments on Windows (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58735 [Process] Return built-in cmd.exe commands directly in ExecutableFinder (@Seldaek)
bug #58723 [Process] Properly deal with not-found executables on Windows (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58711 [Process] Fix handling empty path found in the PATH env var with ExecutableFinder (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #58704 [HttpClient] fix for HttpClientDataCollector fails if proc_open is disabled via php.ini (@ZaneCEO)
bug #58703 [TwigBridge] Use INTERNAL_VAR_NAME instead of getVarName (@pan93412)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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