Symfony 7.2.2 released

Symfony 7.2.2 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 7.2.1:

bug #59304 [PropertyInfo] Remove @internal from PropertyReadInfo and PropertyWriteInfo (Dario Guarracino)
bug #59252 [Stopwatch] bug #54854 undefined key error when trying to fetch a mis… (Alex Niedre)
bug #59278 [SecurityBundle] Do not replace authenticators service by their traceable version (@MatTheCat)
bug #59228 [HttpFoundation] Avoid mime type guess with temp files in BinaryFileResponse (@alexandre-daubois)
bug #59318 [Finder] Fix using == as default operator in DateComparator (@MatTheCat)
bug #59321 [HtmlSanitizer] reject URLs containing whitespaces (@xabbuh)
bug #59310 [Validator] the „max“ option can be zero (@xabbuh)
bug #59271 [TypeInfo] Fix PHPDoc resolving of union with mixed (@mtarld)
bug #59269 [Security/Csrf] Trust „Referer“ at the same level as „Origin“ (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #59250 [HttpClient] Fix a typo in NoPrivateNetworkHttpClient (@Jontsa)
bug #59103 [Messenger] ensure exception on rollback does not hide previous exception (@nikophil)
bug #59226 [FrameworkBundle] require the writer to implement getFormats() in the translation:extract (@xabbuh)
bug #59213 [FrameworkBundle] don’t require fake notifier transports to be installed as non-dev dependencies (@xabbuh)
bug #59113 [FrameworkBundle][Translation] fix translation lint compatibility with the PseudoLocalizationTranslator (@xabbuh)
bug #59060 [Validator] set the violation path only if the errorPath option is set (@xabbuh)
bug #59066 Fix resolve enum in string type resolver (@DavidBadura)
bug #59156 [PropertyInfo] Fix interface handling in PhpStanTypeHelper (@mtarld)
bug #59160 [BeanstalkMessenger] Round delay to an integer to avoid deprecation warning (@plantas)
bug #59012 [PropertyInfo] Fix interface handling in PhpStanTypeHelper (@janedbal)
bug #59134 [HttpKernel] Denormalize request data using the csv format when using „#[MapQueryString]“ or „#[MapRequestPayload]“ (except for content data) (@ovidiuenache)
bug #59140 [WebProfilerBundle] fix: white-space in highlighted code (@chr-hertel)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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