Symfony Sponsoring Program

The Symfony Open Source project is supported by a company called Symfony SAS.
This company sponsors the project by paying for contributions from Nicolas Grekas,
Fabien Potencier and Javier Eguiluz. In order to make this sponsoring financially
sustainable, the company relies on commercial services such as Symfony Insight,
official Symfony conferences, as well as on donations.

Today, we’re happy to introduce a new Symfony Sponsoring Program. You or your
company can now sponsor different parts of the Symfony project:

A full Symfony release (e.g. 5.4, 6.3, etc.) This provides the biggest
impact and shows your logo, link and description in pages like Symfony
documentation, „New in Symfony“ blog posts, notification emails and GitHub README;
A Symfony Component for a Symfony version (e.g. Console for Symfony 5.4,
Messenger for Symfony 6.3, etc.) This promotion shows your logo, link and description
in all pages which mention that component, including GitHub READMEs. Given the
big number of components available, there are many sponsoring opportunities;
A Week Of Symfony for a minor Symfony version (e.g. 5.4 or 6.3). This is one of
the longest running post series in the software industry, published uninterruptedly
since 2006. Ideal to make an impact on experienced Symfony developers;
The Symfony Book for a major Symfony version (e.g. Symfony 5, Symfony 6, etc.)
This shows your logo and description in the pages of the official Symfony book,
including the PDF version. Ideal to make an impact on Symfony newcomers.

The First Sponsors

Soon after the introduction of this program we got the first sponsors. Thanks
to all of them for their great support
:, the profiling and monitoring service for PHP, Python and more,
sponsors „A Week of Symfony“ for 5.2 version;, the service that logs your HTTP traffic and lets you fix
errors with redirect rules, sponsors the Routing component for Symfony 5.3;
JoliCode, a team of expert PHP & Symfony developers that can help you build
your projects using state-of-the-art practices, sponsors the Symfony 5.3 release;
Private Packagist, a fast, reliable, and secure Composer repository for your
private packages, sponsors the upcoming Symfony 5.4 release;
SensioLabs, which offers consultancy, expertise, services, training, and
technical assistance for web applications, sponsors „A Week of Symfony“ for 5.3
version and the upcoming Symfony 6.0 release.

Check out for the most
recently updated list of sponsors.

How to Become a Sponsor?

Browse, select
„Symfony Backers“ and send us a message so we can reply you with
all the program details, including rates and availability.

Sponsor the Symfony project.

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