SymfonyCon Brussels 2023: Get ready for amazing workshops!

SymfonyCon Brussels 2023, conference in English language only, will start in less than 3 months with the pre-conference workshops on Tuesday, December 5th & Wednesday, December 6th! The workshops will take place at the same venue as the main conference: Square conference center situated in the city center of Brussels, at the Mont des Arts!

We offer several workshops per day, you can choose one 2-day workshop or two 1-day workshop to create your own workshop combo that adapts to your needs and wishes!

💻 4 Workshop topics announcements!

Today, we are excited to announced the first part of the workshop topics:

Getting the Most Out of PHPStan: 1-day Workshop by Ondřej Mirtes, Creator of PHPStan.

PHP is nothing like compiled languages. If you make a mistake, the program will crash when the line of code with the mistake is executed. When testing a PHP application, whether manually or automatically, developers spend a lot of their time discovering mistakes that wouldn’t even compile in other languages, leaving less time for testing actual business logic.

PHPStan is a popular static analyser focused on finding bugs in your code. By leveraging the strength of PHP type system further enhanced in PHPStan itself, developers can create robust applications and discover bugs early in the development process. The aid the tool provides during refactoring is also indispensable.

In this workshop, you will learn how to install, configure and run PHPStan, and also receive tips how to write code so that PHPStan can be as powerful as possible. You will also be able to write their own PHPStan rules and extensions.

From 0 to master the translation of your app: 1-day Workshop by Mathieu Santostefano, Web Developer, JoliCode.

In this workshop you will learn how to properly implement the translation of the UI of your application, using the Translation component of Symfony. First we will create a demo app to overview simple cases of translation (static texts, input labels, error messages, etc). Then, we will improve the translation workflow to be able to work with translators, using Translation Providers. We will cover some particular cases for multiple locales and domains applications. The frontend won’t be forgotten, we will see how to use Symfony UX Translation to bring translations into dymanic frontend pages. Finally, we will see the best practices to put all of it on production, with a near real-time synchronization of your translations.

From ORM to ODM: how to start using MongoDB with Doctrine: 1-day Workshop by Andreas Braun, Lead Engineer, MongoDB.

MongoDB is more than a simple document store. Flexible schema, easy scalability, and a powerful query language make this a great database for a number of applications. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to get started with MongoDB by converting an existing application using the Doctrine ORM to use MongoDB. Setting up a cluster, designing schemas, modeling document objects, and writing complex queries are just some of the skills you’ll learn.

Road to safer applications: 1-day Workshop by Florent Morselli, Web Developer, Spomky-Labs.

This workshop aims to learn how to best use all the features offered by Symfony and its ecosystem to effectively protect our web applications. It will teach you how the internal mechanisms of the security component and bundle and how to modify the behavior and requirements of the authentication process. You will also set up other means of authentication than just the username/password pair.

More topics will be announced shortly here, stay tuned!**

🔎 Read the detailed content of SymfonyCon Brussels 2023’s talks

The detailed schedule is available here. Further announcements will be made shortly, stay tuned!

🎟️ Select the ticket of your choice

Register by clicking on Buy ticket and benefit from the regular rate until October 16th (included).

„Workshops only“, December 5-6
„Conference only“, December 7-8
Combo ticket „Conference + Workshops“ to live a full Symfony week experience!

🇧🇪 Organize your participation by reading the attendee’s guide and complete your profile

Read our guide with all the information about the venue, accommodation, catering, etc.

Rooms have been pre-booked at negotiated rates in Brussels city center. Click here to have a look on the large choice of hotels with description and negotiated fee. Starting from Sunday, November 5th, preferential rates will no longer apply.

Complete your Symfony Live profile as soon as possible to let us know about your diet and whether you’d like to receive the conference t.shirt!

🎉 Plan to attend the evening at the Brussels Comics Museum on Thursday, December 7

Let’s get together for a friendly evening at the Brussels Comics Museum from 7:30 to 11:00 pm! The museum is just a 15-minute walk from the conference venue. Further information will be available soon.

💻 Save the date for the next Symfony hackathon right after the conference on Saturday, December 9

Everyone is welcome to join the hackday! Whether you’re an experienced contributor or new to the community, your participation is highly valued as it brings a fresh perspective! More details are available here. The hackathon will be hosted at Smile Benelux from 09.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. CET. Address: Avenue de Broqueville 12, 1150 Brussels.

💡 Follow the „conferences“ blog posts to not miss anything!

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