SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022: How to instantly upgrade your legacy Symfony in minutes?

SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 will start, as usual, with its pre-conference: two days of workshops from November 15 to 16. Discover the 10 different topics that will be organized per day.

The main conference will take place on November 17 and 18 and will be organized around 3 tracks! Amazing speakers and talks have already been announced as Sebastian Bergmann, Marion Hurteau, Diego Aguiar, Ondřej Mirtes, Titouan Galopin, and Pauline Vos (have a look on the program).

The next person to join the team of speakers is:

Tomáš Votruba (@VotrubaT), Senior PHP Developer. They will speak about “How to instantly upgrade your legacy Symfony in minutes”
Legacy code is a side effect of any successful company. The longer your grow, the older your code is.
How can we deal with it? Rewrite? Gradual refactoring? Hire external developer team with legacy skills?
In 2022, there are tools that can handle that like Composer updates for your dependencies. Any company or developer can refactor their huge legacy code in a couple of weeks. Bump PHP 5.3 to PHP 8.1? From PHPUnit 4 to 10 or Symfony 2.8 to 6.1?
You don’t have to know a thing about BC breaks and how-to-fix them.

Don’t wait any longer, take the time to register now.

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