SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 – Exciting workshops are waiting for you!

SymfonyLive Berlin 2023, will start in 2 months already, on October 3 & 4, with the pre-conference workshops!

We will offer several workshops per day, you can choose one 2-day workshop or two 1-day workshop to create your workshop combo. Workshop content will be in English, but trainers will be able to answer your questions in German.

Today, we are excited to announced the full list of workshop topics:

Symfony 5/6: the fast track: 2-day Workshop by Nicolas Grekas, Symfony General Manager and Symfony Core-Team, on October 3 & 4.

This training is from the book „Symfony 6: The Fast Track“ by Fabien Potencier. In 2 days, it will teach you how to build a Symfony application from A to Z using new practices and new components. For those who are new to Symfony, this training is an opportunity to discover capabilities of Symfony. For more experienced devs, it’s an opportunity to know about and to practice the latest features and best practices.

We will build an application with all the infrastructure of modern apps: database, application and HTTP cache server, message bus for background processing, APIs and SPAs, etc. We will start from the basics with the installation of a skeleton application, the creation of a data model and a „backoffice“, then we will add screens for users, a security system to partition rights, an API to allow interaction via a SPA. We will enrich the business rules to send notifications, send emails, manage internationalization, resize images, manage a publication workflow, etc. Finally, we will optimize the application for production through HTTP and application caches, through asset management (JS/CSS/images) and secrets management. To secure each step, we will write tests to guarantee non-regressions.

On the menu: Flex, Mailer, Notifier, Workflow, Messenger, API Platform, HttpClient, String, Webpack Encore, etc.

Into the light – refactoring instead of rewriting: 1-day Workshop by Peter Dietrich, Web developer Freelance, on October 3.

Under the banner „Refactoring, not rewriting“, this workshop addresses the challenges that arise when updating legacy applications. Throughout the workshop, various methods and tools will be presented that enable even the oldest applications to be gently but persistently updated to the latest versions of PHP and Symfony. Special attention is paid to creating parallel operation between old and new systems. This includes:

Refactoring techniques, when and how to modify old code
How to set up web server routes, Symfony routing, and containers in the old code, as well as how to perform remote service call for for parallel operation
Creating simple smoke tests with PHPUnit: This tool allows us to verify the basic functionality of our application to ensure that the key features are working as expected.
Quality tools: We introduce tools such as phpstan, php-cs-fixer, rector, deptrac, etc., which help to secure and improve the quality of your code.

Participants of this workshop will not only gain theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills to make their existing applications more efficient and future-proof.

RESTful Webservices in Symfony: 1-day Workshop by Jan Schädlich, Software Developer Freelance, on October 3.

Nowadays RESTful Apis are powering the web and are used in almost every web application. In this workshop you will learn the fundamental principles of REST and how you can implement a RESTful APIs using Symfony. We will start with the basics of REST, continue with some more advanced topics like Serialization, Content-Negotiation and Security and eventually talk about Testing, Documentation and Versioning of APIs. Besides all the theory the attendees can deepen their learnings on every topic while doing the provided coding challenges.

From ORM to ODM: how to start using MongoDB with Doctrine: 1-day Workshop by Andreas Braun, Lead Engineer, MongoDB, on October 4.

MongoDB is more than a simple document store. Flexible schema, easy scalability, and a powerful query language make this a great database for a number of applications. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to get started with MongoDB by converting an existing application using the Doctrine ORM to use MongoDB. Setting up a cluster, designing schemas, modeling document objects, and writing complex queries are just some of the skills you’ll learn.

Mastering OOP & Design Patterns: 1-day Workshop by Denis Brumann, Solution Architect, on October 4.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) goes beyond the design of classes and interfaces. It includes a wide variety of concepts such as objects, entities, value objects, services, design models, SOLID principles, calisthenics, coupling, etc. Mastering OOP often requires several years of experience. This workshop will help you to better understand all these concepts in order to write more maintainable, robust and testable object-oriented code. You will also discover techniques to reduce the complexity of your code and make your classes more specific and therefore simpler. You will also learn how to recognize and exploit the power of design models (factory, adapter, composite, decorator, mediator, strategy, etc.).

Book your workshop ticket now as seats are limited! Click on Buy tickets and choose the ticket of your choice: „Workshop only“, „Conference only“ or the combo ticket „Conference + workshop“ to live the full Symfony experience!

We are currently revealing SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 talks! Discover the first topics and speakers already scheduled for the only Symfony conference in German of the year.

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