SymfonyOnline June 2023 – Is SOLID dead? Let’s discuss reusable software design

The next international Symfony conference, SymfonyOnline June 2023, has been scheduled for June 15 to 16. We are currently unveiling the schedule gradually, and additional information can be found here here.

We are pleased to announce that the next person to join the team of speakers is:

Łukasz Chruściel (@lukaszchrusciel), Software Engineer, Commerce Weavers, will present „Is SOLID dead? Let’s discuss reusable software design“:

„In his publication describing CUPID principles, Dan North begins with the question, „If I do not think the SOLID principles are useful these days, then what would I replace them with?“. This got me thinking about what I think of SOLID and how I look at it. In my presentation, I would like to break down this acronym into its components, test its usefulness with examples (based on a Symfony-based app), and consider what we can take from it. I will also try to answer the question posed in the title of the presentation.“

Some speakers have already been announced, discover the talks here.

Do you know that you are only a few clicks away from joining us at SymfonyOnline June 2023?

1) Register by clicking on Buy ticket and benefit from the regular rate until May 24th (included).

2) Choose the ticket of your choice:

June 13-14: Workshop only. It is possible to attend a two-day training or two one-day trainings. Topics will be available shortly!
June 15-16: Conference only with 2 tracks in English. Each talk replay from the conference will be available as soon as each talk ends!
June 13-16: Combo ticket „Conference + Workshops“ to live a Symfony week experience!

3) Follow the „conferences“ blog posts to not miss anything!

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