Third Round of Selected Speakers at SymfonyWorld 2021 Online 2021 Winter Conference

In the past weeks we’ve announced the first and the second round of speakers,
and the workshops of the upcoming SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition
conference (December 9-10, 2021). Today we are announcing four additional speakers and talks.

From big ball of mud to clean architecture with Symfony

In this talk, Rolando Caldas
will show you how they faced the problem of applications that grow too fast while
keeping Symfony as a framework on which to develop the product.

See how the transformed anemic entities coupled to Symfony and Doctrine into
rich domain models; know which decisions they made both in terms of code and
organization of the team; learn from the trade-offs they had to take; etc.

The Benefits of TDD

This talk is focused on people starting with Test Driven Development – aka TDD.
Diego Aguiar will begin with
explaining what TDD really is followed by a demo of the „Bowling Game Kata“.

This is a very interesting kata where a game is developed step by step applying
TDD techniques until all the requirements of the game are implemented. Then,
Diego will talk about the benefits of applying TDD when developing an application.

The New Testing Landscape: Panther, Foundry & More

Symfony comes with a number of tools for testing, like BrowserKit & DomCrawler
as well as test classes for booting the kernel, accessing services, and using a
bunch of built-in assertions.

But what do you do if you need to test the JavaScript on your page? And what’s
the best approach for setting up your database? Should you load fixtures? Clear
the data before each test? And how can I run my tests in parallel?

In this talk, Ryan Weaver
will explore a set of new tools & clear patterns (Arrange, Act, Assert) for test.

Symfony Notifier Demystified

The Notifier Component is marked stable since Symfony 5.3 and many bridges have
been added to it recently. Now is a good time to have a closer look at how the
Symfony Notifier works and what you can do with it.

Jan Schädlich will show you
how to leverage the Symfony Notifier component in your applications.

Some of these talks were delivered before during the
SymfonyLive Online Spanish Edition 2021 conference, but this time they will
be delivered in English to reach a broader audience.

In the coming days we’ll announce more exciting talks to complete the rest of
the schedule. Visit the SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition website and
buy tickets for the conference.

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